salaigh1, v.t. & i. Dirty, defile. Éadach a shalú, to soil cloth. Do lámha a shalú le rud, to soil one’s hands with sth; to stoop to do sth. Ná ~ do theanga leis, don’t sully your tongue by saying it. Ainm duine a shalú, to smear s.o.’s name. Do chlú a shalú, to sully one’s reputation. Shalaigh an aimsir, the weather became foul. Shalaigh sé faoi, he soiled the bed. Shalaigh an cat ar an urlár, the cat soiled the floor. Prov:Is beag an rud a shalaíonn stocaí bána, it is easy to blot fair fame. S.a. nead 1(a).
salaigh2, gsm. of salach1.