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éad, m. (gs. ~a). Jealousy; envy, emulation. 1. ~ a bheith ort le duine; bheith in ~ le duine, to be jealous of s.o. ~ a bheith ionat, to be of a jealous disposition. Tá ~ aige liom, chugam, he envies me. S.a. iomaidh. 2. (As vn.) Bheith ag ~ le duine, to be jealous of s.o., to envy s.o. Tá sé ag ~ lena bhean, le fir eile, he is jealous of his wife, of other men. Bíonn mná ag ~ le chéile, women are envious of one another. Tá na páistí ag ~ le chéile faoi na milseáin, the children are acting jealously towards each other over the sweets. Tá an tír ag ~ leis, he is the envy of the country.
~ amhrais, éada, touch of suspicion, of jealousy.
Duine a chur chun feirge, chun éada, chun díomhaointis, to drive s.o. to anger, to jealousy, to idleness.
~ éada, sting of jealousy.
Fearg, éad, a dhéanamh, to give way to anger, jealousy.
Ghabh fearg, brón, éad, é, he got angry, sad, jealous.
2. ~ éada, tinge of jealousy.
~ maoine, éada, excess of wealth, of jealousy.
In éad is in ~ le chéile, in jealous rivalry with one another.
Ite ag an éad, consumed with jealousy.
~ feirge, éada, touch of anger, of jealousy.
Phrioc an t-éad é, he was stung by jealousy.
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