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cáil could be a grammatical form of: cál »
cáil1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. Reputation. Bhí ~ air as a chuid céille, he was esteemed for his good sense. Tá ~ an airgid, an léinn, air, he is reputed to be wealthy, learned. Tá clú agus ~ air, he is honoured and respected. Tá a cháil bainte aige, he has won his spurs. 2. Quality. Ball maith é ina cháil féin, it is a good article of its kind. I g~ sagairt, in the capacity of a priest. Sa cháil sin, in that respect. 3. Amount, portion. ~ éigin de rud, a certain amount of sth. ~ mhaith litreacha, quite a few letters. ~ dá bpléisiúr é, it is part of their pleasure, one of the things that make life pleasant for them. ~ amhrais, a certain amount of doubt.
cáil2: cál1.
Ní mó a cháil ná a bhuille, he lives up to his reputation.
2. ~ cáil, cabáiste, round head of cabbage.
Sin an cháil a ~eadh air, that was the reputation he got.
~ a bheith ort, to be of good repute.
Tá ~ oibrí air, he is esteemed as a workman.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to give s.o. a bad name.
~ cabáiste, cáil, cabbage garden.
D’~ sé a cháil leis, he lowered his reputation by it.
Cáil duine a léamh dó, to read, proclaim, s.o.’s character.
Cáil ~, wide fame.
Gáir, cáil, ag leitheadú, a report, fame, spreading.
Cáil mhór, wide reputation.
Cáil gan mhúchadh, undimmed renown.
Ina cháil phearsanta, in his personal capacity.
~ chabáiste, cháil, caterpillar (of white cabbage butterfly).
Tá a cháil i d~, his reputation is at stake.
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