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Similar words: cailceach · caileach · cailgeach · cailleadh · caillteach
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cailleach, f. (gs. -llí, npl. ~a, gpl. ~).1. Hist:~ (dhubh, Mhuire), nun. S.a. 12. 2. (a) Old woman; hag. ~ feasa, wise woman, fortune-teller. ~ phiseogach, sorceress, charm-worker. Leigheas (na) caillí, old woman’s remedy. ~ na clúide, old woman in the chimney-corner. ~ na luatha (buí), (i) sit-by-the-fire, (ii) cinderella. S.a. 10. Comhrá ~, old wives’ tales. Folk:~ na gcearc, hag, witch. Scéal chailleach an uafáis, wild rumour; scare. (b) Midwife. 3. Precocious girl. ~ an ghiodail, na mbréag, pert, lying, hussy. 4. (Of man)(a) (Contemptuously) ~ (fir), spineless fellow, coward. (b) (Facetiously) Anois, a chailleach! Now, my lad! Maith thú, a chailleach! Good man yourself! 5. Spent, shrivelled, thing. ~ phráta, shrivelled potato; old seed-potato. 6. Stump; obstructing object. ~ dharach, ghiúise, oak, pine, stump. ~ bhasctha, protruding object in ground. 7. (Of straw, wrack) Truss, bundle. 8. Stone weight (on rope, net). 9. ~ (shúgáin), recess for bed; alcove. F: Snuggery. 10. Ent:~ na luatha, cricket. ~ chrainn, wood-louse. 11. Med:~ ghoile, tapeworm. Tá ~ ina ghoile le hocras, he is ravenously hungry. 12. Orn:~ dhubh, cormorant. ~ oíche, owl. 13. Ich:~ rua, loach. ~ bhreac, larger spotted dog-fish. 14. Bot:~ dhearg, corn-poppy. ~ bheag, bhréagach, fhuar, bee, spotted, early purple, orchis. S.a. codladh 2, smior1.
Cathaoir, cailleach, na ~e, the chair, the old woman, in the (fireside) corner.
~ an tsicín (sa bharrach), an traonaigh, na Caillí Béarra, protracted sleep.
~ cailleach, old wives’ tales.
Cailleach an diabhail! The infernal hag!
~ caillí, ‘an old woman’s pet’, pampered child, no-good person.
~ caillí, crone.
~ caillí, disagreeable hag.
~ mantach, ~ chailleach, spinal marrow.
An ~ chailleach a bhaint as rud, to remove all the inner parts from sth.; to take all the good out of sth.
~ na caillí mairbhe, egg-case of skate, mermaid’s purse.
~fidh cailleach i gcruachás, even a worm will turn.
2. Bean, cailleach, ~, witch.
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