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clúid1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). Nook, corner. ~ (na tine), chimney-corner. Suí sa chlúid, to sit in the chimney-corner, beside the fire. ~ a bheith agat duit féin, to have a home of one’s own. Do chlúid féin is fearr, one’s own fireside is the best. Cathaoir, cailleach, na ~e, the chair, the old woman, in the (fireside) corner.
clúid2, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). Cover, covering. Faoi chlúid, covered, under cover. ~ a chur ar rud, to put a covering on sth. Cuir ~ ort féin, cover, wrap, yourself up. Bhí an leanbh ina ~ aici, she had the child under her shawl, wrapped up in her arms. ~ oighir, sheet of ice; sheet ice.
Gach ~ is clúid, every nook and corner.
An dris choilgneach sa chlúid, the crotchety one in the corner.
Chrap sé é féin sa chlúid, he cowered in the corner.
~ta istigh sa chlúid, huddled in the chimney-corner.
Clúid fhoscaíoch, sheltered nook.
Ghróig sé é féin sa chlúid, he huddled himself in the corner.
~ an bosca sa chlúid, lay down the box in the corner.
~ isteach sa chlúid é, shove it into the corner.
An ~ sa chlúid, the lazy hulk in the corner.
Le ~ a bheith sáite sa chlúid, compared to being stuck in the corner.
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