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leag1, v.t. & i. (vn. ~an, pp. ~tha).1. Knock down. Duine a ~an (le buille, le cor coise), to knock s.o. down (with a blow, with a foot-trip). ~ carr é, he was knocked down by a car. ~adh an marcach, the rider was thrown. Crann a ~an, to fell a tree. Teach a ~an, to knock down a house. ~adh na seantithe go talamh, the old houses were razed to the ground. Éan a ~an le hurchar, to bring down a bird with a shot. Arbhar a ~an le speal, to cut down corn with a scythe. Ag ~an talún, bord, iomairí, levelling ridges (in potato field). Rud a ~an den bhord, to knock sth. off the table. ~adh den rothar mé, I was thrown off the bicycle. ~ an fhearthainn na barra, the rain beat down the crops. ~ an ghaoth é, the wind blew it down. ~ an fliú iad, they were laid up with the flu. ~fadh an boladh thú, the smell would knock you down. Tamall ag ~an, bout of throwing, of wrestling. 2. Lower. (a)Seol a ~an, to lower a sail. ~(anuas) den bhalla é dom, chugam, take it down off the wall for, to, me. Mil:~aigí airm! Ground arms! (b)Cíos, luachanna, a ~an, to lower rent, prices. ~adh na hearraí, the goods were reduced in price. Ní ~fadh sé pingin de, he wouldn’t take a penny off it. 3. Lay, set. Cloch bhoinn a ~an, to lay a foundation stone. Brící, cáblaí, a ~an, to lay bricks, cables. Bóthar iarainn, long, a ~an, to lay down a railroad, a ship. Prátaí póir a ~an, to set seed-potatoes. Uibheacha (éillín) a ~an, to set a clutch of eggs (for hatching). Bord a ~an, to lay a table. ~adh bia os ár gcomhair, food was set before us. ~ a chuid chuige, give him his meal. Ní raibh aon áit agam a ~fainn mo cheann, I had no place to lay my head. Is ann a ~adh a chnámha, it is there his bones were laid. ~ an bosca sa chlúid, lay down the box in the corner. ~ sé an beartán i dteach na comharsan dom, he left the parcel in a neighbour’s house for me. Rud éigin a ~fadh a shúil, something to avert his eyes. ~ anseo é! Put it there! Shake hands! 4. Knitting:Lúb a ~an, to cast off a stitch. Ag ~an, casting off (stitches). 5. Nau:Tá an long ag ~an ó thuaidh, the ship is falling away towards the north. Bhí an taoide ár ~an, we were drifting with the tide. 6. Cards: Play.
leag2 = leac.
Dúirt sé gur leagadh é, he said he was knocked down.
~ a leagan ar dhuine, to beat, chastise, s.o.
Ach ~ gur leagadh é, except that he was knocked down.
Leag ~ ar an mbord é, lay it down, rest it, on the table.
Ná leag ~ méire air, don’t lay a finger on him.
~ a chur, a leagan, ar rud, to stress sth.
~ a leagan, a ghlanadh, to lay, clear, a table.
~ a ísliú, a leagan, to lower a flag.
Ag leagan ~, breaking down embankments;
An bhunchloch a leagan, to lay the foundation-stone.
~ a leagan, to lay a cable.
~ a ghearradh, a leagan, ar rud, to lay a tax on sth.
Leagan, teilgean, ~e, mode of expression.
Leag do cheann ar an adhairt, lay your head on the pillow.
An chloch bhoinn a chur, a leagan, to lay the foundation stone.
Leag lámh ar do choinsias, cross your heart.
Leagadh sa chonabhrú é, he was knocked down in the scrimmage.
Leag sé ar an gcéad chor é, he put him down at the first attempt.
~ a leagan ar, to set foot on.
Leag, buail, luigh, ~ air, keep it dark.
Ná leag ~ air, don’t lay a hand on him.
a leagan, a choinneáil, a rianú, to set, hold, chart, a course.
~ a leagan, to set a clutch of eggs for hatching.
Níor leag mé ~ aréir, I did not close an eye, sleep a wink, last night.
Leag mé faoin bh~ aige é; dúirt mé suas lena fhiacla é, I cast it in his teeth.
Níor chuir sé ~ ann; níor leag sé ~ air, he did not mince his words.
Is ~ gur leagadh an piléar, it is true that the pillar was knocked down.
I n~ ribe do bheith leagtha ag carr, within a hair’s breadth of being knocked down by a car.
D’~ a leagan ar rud, to bring one’s mind to bear on sth.
An té atá ~ is furasta é a leagan, the weakest goes to the wall.
Is ~ nár leagadh mé, it is a wonder I was not knocked down.
Ná leag ~ air, don’t touch it.
An té ar leag Dia a ~ air, he whom God has afflicted.
Rud a leagan ar ~, to level sth. to the ground.
Rudaí a ~an amach, to arrange things.
Bhí garraí le ~an amach agam, I had to lay out a garden.
~ amach ar an mbord iad, lay them out on the table.
Leabhar, páipéar nuachta, a ~an amach, to get up a book, a newspaper.
Scéim a ~an amach, to lay out a scheme.
Bhí sé ~tha amach agam, bhí mé ~tha amach ar, é a dhéanamh, I had planned, made arrangements, to do it.
~ sé amach mé lena dhorn, he knocked me down with his fist.
Obair, dualgas, a ~an amach do dhuine, to allot work, a duty, to s.o.
Damáistí a ~an amach, to prescribe damages.
Bhí suim airgid ~tha amach agam lena aghaidh, I had set aside a sum of money for it.
Tú féin a ~an amach ar rud, to apply oneself diligently to sth.
~ sé amach go raibh an ceart agam, he made out that I was right.
Curach a leagan anuas, to carry a currach down to the sea.
Rud a ~an ar an talamh, to lay sth. on the ground.
~ do lámh air, place your hand on it.
~ tú do mhéar air, you have put your finger on it.
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