colainn, f. (gs. ~e1, pl. ~eacha). Body. 1. Living body. I g~ dhaonna, in human body, incarnate. Teacht i g~, to take human form. An diabhal i g~ dhaonna, the devil incarnate. Is é an tsaint i g~ dhaonna é, he is avarice personified. Ina cholainn féin, in his own person. S.a. glac2 2 (e). 2. Flesh. Peacaí, ainmhianta, na ~e, the sins, lusts, of the flesh. Pléisiúir na ~e, sensual pleasures. Tá an cholainn claon, the flesh is weak. 3. Trunk. ~ gan cheann, headless body. Tá ~ théagrach aige, he is stoutly built. Prov: Is deacair ceann críonna a chur ar cholainn óg, you can’t put an old head on young shoulders. 4. Main part. ~ báid, hull of boat. 5. Person. Ba tú an cholainn chneasta, you were a decent poor fellow.
~ta na colainne, the lusts of the flesh.
~ na colainne, na gcorp, the resurrection of the body.
~ na colainne, concupiscence.
~eadh siar as a cholainn é, he was made to suffer (physically) for it.
Cathuithe na colainne, an diabhail, the temptations of the flesh, of the devil.
An cholainn a cheansú, to restrain the body, the flesh.
An cholainn choil, the sinful flesh.
~ a thabhairt do do cholainn, to mortify one’s body.
Bheith i n~ na colainne, to be a slave to the flesh.
~ i gcolainn, defective, deformed, in body.
Colainn dhaonna a ghabháil, to assume human form.
Fuair a cholainn ~, his body received the breath of life.
Ghlac Mac Dé colainn dhaonna, the Son of God became man.
~ na colainne, weakness of the body, of the flesh.
colainne, filling out of body.
~ na colainne, the lusts of the flesh.
~ (an choirp, na colainne), movement (of bowels).
~í na colainne, the sins of the flesh.
An cholainn a sháimhriú, to tranquillize the body.
~ colainne, emaciation of body.
~ na colainne, excitation of the body.
Thugamar ~ dár gcolainn ar an léana, we stretched ourselves out on the lawn.
Tharcaisnigh siad ainmhianta na colainne, they scorned the lusts of the flesh.
Fear a bhfuil ~ ina cholainn, a man of solid frame.
Bhí a cholainn á ~eadh, his body was wasting away.