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dílis could be a grammatical form of: díleas » · díleas »
dílis1, a. (gsm. ~, gsf., npl. & comp. dílse). 1. Own; proper (do, to). An rud is ~ do dhuine, what rightfully belongs to, pertains to, s.o. A dteanga, a dtír, dhílis, their own language, country. A oidhre ~, his lawful heir. Mac ~ Dé, the true son of God. A chomharthaí dílse a thabhairt ar rud, to describe sth. properly. Ainm ~, proper name; proper noun. 2. Genuine; reliable, solid. Airgead ~, bonn, ~, genuine silver, coin. Tá an chruach ~, steel is true. Is dílse an dair ná an ghiúis, oak is solider than pine. 3. Loyal, faithful. Bheith ~ do rud, to be loyal to sth. Tá sé ~ dá ghnó, he sticks to his business. Iron:Mura mbeadh sé chomh ~ don ól, if he were not such a persistent drinker. ~ go bás, faithful unto death. 4. Dear. A Dhia, a mháthair, dhílis, dear God, mother. A ceann dubh ~, her dear dark head.
dílis2 :díleas1.
~ dílis, proper name, noun.
A Dhia (dhílis)! O (dear) God!
A dhílis, my dear, my treasure.
Tugadh ~ a gcríche dóibh, they were given the right to own their territory.
Umhla is ~ do Dhia, obedience and loyalty to God.
A mháthair na ~, dear mother.
Bheith fabhrach, dílis, do rud, to be favourable, faithful, to sth.
~acht dílis do rud, to remain faithful to sth.
~ dílis, landed estate.
Dílis go ~, truly faithful.
Mo mhuirnín dílis, my dearly beloved, my own true love.
1. ~ dílis, dlisteanach, rightful, lawful, heir.
Sheas siad go dílis dá dtír, they stood loyally by their country.
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