dall1, m. (gs. & npl. daill, gpl. ~). 1. (a) Blind person. Na daill, the blind. Súile an daill, sightless eyes. An ~ ag déanamh an eolais don ~; an ~ ag giollacht an daill, the blind leading the blind. Aimsíonn an ~ a bhéal, a blind man can find his mouth, everybody can do something for himself. S.a. abhaill. (b)~ bán, albino. 2. Dull, uninformed, person. 3. Dimness; gloom, obscurity. Idir ~ is dorchadas, ‘between the dim and the dark’, at dusk. Dubh agus ~ na hoíche, the darkness and obscurity of the night. 4. ~ na mullóg = dallamullóg. ~ an phúicín = dalladh púicín : dalladh 4.
dall2, a1. 1. (a) Blind. Bheith ~, to be blind, sightless. (b) Blinded. Bheith ~ ag solas, to be dazzled by light. ~ ag deora, blinded by tears. Tá sé ~ ag an ól, he is blind drunk. 2. (a) Dull, uninformed; in the dark. Bheith ~ ar rud, to be ignorant of, unable to comprehend, sth. Duine ~ nach dtuigeann é, one would need to be very dull not to understand it. Tá sé ~ ar imeachtaí a mhic, he doesn’t realize how his son is conducting himself. Chomh ~ le bonn mo, do, bhróige, as blind as a bat; as stupid as an ass. (b) Dazed, stupefied.
dall3, v.t. 1. Blind. Duine a dhalladh, to blind s.o., to put out s.o.’s eyes. Ná ~ thú féin leis, don’t ruin your eyes with it. 2. Bedim; dazzle; daze, stupefy. Bhí a súile ~ta ag na deora, her eyes were bedimmed with tears. Dhallfadh sé thú le caint, le bréaga, le mionnaí móra, he would confound you with talk, with lies, with curses. ~adh le náire mé, I was overcome with shame. Bhí sé ~ta (le hól), he was blind drunk. 3. (Of opening) Darken; block, obscure. Fuinneog a dhalladh, to darken, to close up, a window. Dhall siad na cosáin, they camouflaged the paths. Ná ~ an doras agam go brách arís, never darken my door again.
Urchar an daill faoin ~, a shot in the dark.
Is cuma leis an dall cé air a bhfuil an bhreall, what the eye sees not the heart rues not.
~ agus bodhaire, blindness and deafness.
~ radhairc, dimness of vision.
~ intinne, intellectual blindness, ignorance.
~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to blind s.o.; to dazzle s.o.
~ (agus caochadh, dubhadh) orm (má), strike me blind (if).
Bhí ~ bia agus dí ann, there were lashings of food and drink.
Tá ~ airgid aige, he has lots of money.
Ag obair, ag báisteach, ar ~, working, raining intensely.
4. ~ púicín, (i) blind over eyes (in game of blindman’s-buff); blindman’s-buff, (ii) confusion; deception, delusion.
~ púicín a chur ar dhuine, to hoodwink s.o.
Bhain tú an ~ púicín díom, you opened my eyes for me.
~ an daill ar an dall, the blind leading the blind.
~ an daill, ~ chaorach sa duibheagán, leap in the dark.
Is ~ do dhaoine dalla an domhain é, it is clear to anybody who wants to see it.
Ag imirt dalladh ~, playing blind-man’s-buff.