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Her eyes were bedimmed with tears, bhí a súile dallta ag deora.
A blind person, dall m.
The blind, na daill.
The blind leading the blind, an dall ag déanamh an eolais don dall; an dall is an bacach, is an dall ar tosach.
In a blind man's holiday, idir dall agus dorchadas.
He managed to blunder through, rinne é le hurchar an daill.
He hasn't a clue, dall ar fad (ar an scéal).
We are in the dark as to his plans, táimid dall ar a chuid scéimeanna.
Never darken my door again! dall mo dhoras go brách arís!
Eyes that were dim with tears, súile a bhí dallta ag deora.
Eyes dimmed with weeping, súile a bheadh dallta ag deora.
He was blind drunk, bhí dallta, caoch ar meisce.
To put out s.o.'s eyes, duine a dhalladh.
You could see that with half an eye, d'fhéadfadh fear dall an méad sin a fheiceáil.
I haven't the foggiest (idea), táim dall ar fad ar an scéal.
To strike out (at s.o., sth.) hit or miss, urchar an daill a thabhairt (ar, faoi, dhuine, rud).
Hopelessly drunk, dallta ar meisce.
To keep s.o. in ignorance of sth., duine a choinneáil dall ar rud.
I am in complete ignorance of his intentions, dall ar a bhfuil ar intinn aige.
To be ignorant of history, a bheith dall, aineolach, ar an stair.
If the blind lead the blind, ghiollaíonn an caoch an dall.
A blind man, dall m,
To be obfuscated by drink, bheith dallta le hól.
It was obvious to everyone that . . ., d'aithneodh dall gan súil go . . .
He pleaded ignorance, dúirt go raibh dall ar an scéal.
To hit out at random, urchar an daill a chaitheamh.
F: To rush in where angels fear to tread, dúléim an daill a thabhairt.
A shot in the dark, urchar an daill.
Sightless eyes, súile an daill.
Steeped in ignorance, dallta le hainbhios.
F: There's tons of it, dalladh, greadadh, ann.
They were in total ignorance of it, bhí siad dall ar fad air.
He remained blissfully unconscious of it all, b'aoibhinn gur fágadh dall ar an gcúrsa go léir é.
He is undeceived, níl aon dalla púicín air.
To be untutored in the art of conversation, bheith dall ar ealaín an chomhrá.
Lame as well as blind, dall agus bacach chomh maith.
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