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Similar words: déarc · dear · dearca · earc · ceard
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dearc could be a grammatical form of: earc »
dearc1, f. (gs. deirce, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Eye. 2 = deirc.
dearc2, f. (gs. deirce, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1 = dearca1. 2. Lit: Berry.
dearc3, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). Look, behold; regard, consider. ~adh ar dhuine, to look at s.o.; to consider, to have consideration for, s.o. Dhearc (go grinn) , he eyed me (keenly). Dhearc idir an shúil air, I looked him between the eyes. ~ ort féin, reflect on yourself; consider what you do. ~ ar do pháistí, consider your children. ~ ar mo chás-sa, take my case as an example. Go ndearca Dia orthu! God help them! Go ndearca Dia ar do chiall! God give you sense! What little sense you have! Dhearc ar na dílleachtaí, he took pity on the orphans. Prov:~ chugat mar a dhearcas uait, do to others as you would have others do to you. Prov: Is minic a dhearc béal na huaighe ar bhéal na truaighe, death has often benefited the needy.
Amharc, breathnaigh, dearc, féach, ar, look at, consider.
Dearc mar is ~ air, consider it properly.
Dearcadh ~, narrow outlook.
Is dubh an ~ a thug orm, such a black look he gave me.
An ~ atá ag duine ar an saol, ones outlook on life.
a dhearcadh féin aige, he has his own point of view.
Is é sin an ~ atá acu air, that is how they look at it.
sin mo dhearcadh air, that is not how I see it.
Duine a bhfuil ~ ann, one who looks to the future; one who considers circumstances.
mbeadh ~ agat ar mo chás, if you were able to see, sympathize with, my case.
~ gan dearcadh, mistaken zeal.
Dearc an ~ atá air, look at his get-up.
Dearcadh ~, broad outlook.
an dearcadh sin ag éirí ~, that view is becoming prevalent.
dearcadh ~ aige ar an saol, he has a broad outlook on life.
Dearcadh ~, new, different, outlook.
Amharc, breathnaigh, dearc, romhat, look ahead, where you are going, to the future.
Dearc an ~ atá leis, see how he creeps along.
Dearcadh ~, determined outlook.
Le dearcadh ó thaobh eile air, to look at it from another angle.
Dearcadh ~, new, different, outlook.
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