insint, f. (gs. as s. ~e, as vn. -ste; pl. ~í). 1. vn. of inis2. 2. Relation, narration, utterance; version. Bíonn dhá ~ ar scéal, there are two ways of telling a story, two sides to an argument. Níl ach aon ~ amháin ar an scéal sin, the facts of that case are not to be denied. Níl an dara h~ air, there is no gainsaying the fact. Malairt d’~, different version. Chuala mé ~ eile air, I heard another version of it. Ní hé sin an ~ a thug sé domsa air, that is not how he told it to me. Beidh ~ scéil air, it will excite wonder, become wondrous in the telling. Chuaigh sé thar ~ scéil, it became indescribable. Níl léamh ná scríobh ná ~ béil air, it defies all description. Fear inste scéil, (i) storyteller, (ii) surviving witness. 3. Gram: ~ dhíreach, neamhdhíreach, direct, indirect, speech. (Var: insin)
Buailfear thú as é a insint, you will be beaten for telling it.
~ a insint, to tell a lie.
Ba é do cheart sin a insint dom, you should have told me that.
Insint dhíreach, direct speech.
Rud a insint a mhíniú, a mhúineadh, do dhuine, to tell, explain, teach, sth. to s.o.
Rud a insint d’~ bheag agus d’~ mhór, to tell sth. to the world.
~ (inste) scéil, storyteller; bringer of news.
2. A fhortún a léamh, a insint, do dhuine, to read, tell, s.o. his fortune.
2. ~ (bhréige) a insint, to tell a whopping lie.
Scéal a insint, to tell a story.
Ós á insint duit é, while I am on the subject.
An fhírinne a insint, to tell the truth.
An scéala a insint, to tell the news.
Tá sibh i gcónaí ag insint ar a chéile, you are forever telling stories about one another.
Níl ~ sna leabhair air; níl ~ ná scríobh (ná insint béil) air, it passes comprehension, defies description.
Ba mhaith an ~ scéil a insint é, he was well able to tell a story.
~ a insint, to tell a story.
Níor tháinig fear inste scéil díobh, none of them survived to tell the tale.