láithreach1, m. (gs. & npl. -righ, gpl. ~). 1 = láthair 1. 2. Ruined site, ruin. ~ aonair, lone ruin. Níl fágtha ach an ~, only the empty site remains. 3. Trace, imprint. ~ a choise sa charraig, the imprint of his foot in the rock. 4. Gram: Present (tense).
láithreach2, a1 & adv. 1. Present, immediate. Seilbh ~, immediate possession. An luach ~, the present value. Uimhir ~, current number. Gram: An aimsir ~, the present tense. 2. Immediately. Déan ~ é, do it at once. Beidh sé anseo ~, he will be here without delay. ~ baill, ~ bonn; lom ~, on the spot, instantly. 3. Bheith ~, to be present.
láithreach3, ~a : láthair.
In ~ láithreach, near, close, by.
~ láithreach, ar an bpointe, right now, immediately.
In, ar, áit na m~; láithreach ~, on the spot, immediately.
~ sé sa doras, he appeared in the door.
In aice láithreach, nearby.
~ láithreach, there and then; right now.
Níl a ~ ná a láithreach ann, there is not a trace of it to be found.
An láithreach ~, the historic present.
Is fearr dúinn ~t faoin obair sin láithreach, we had better make a start at that work immediately.
Thóg an madra leis na páistí láithreach, the dog took to the children immediately.