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leithead, m. (gs. & npl. -thid, gpl. ~). 1. Breadth, width. (a) ~ ruda, the width of sth. Tá ~ an dorais ann, it is as wide as the door; he fills the doorway. ~ do bhoise, hand’s breadth. Tá ~ chroí do bhoise ann, it would fill the palm of your hand. ~ a ligean le rud, to widen, to let out, sth. Is ionann fad is ~ dó, it is as broad as it is long. Ar ~, in breadth, in width. Míle ar ~, a mile wide. ~ (iarnróid), (railway) gauge. Rud a thomhas ar a ~, to measure sth. along its breadth, crosswise. Ar a fhad is ar a ~, along its length and breadth, in its entirety. S.a. fad 1. (b) Area, space, of certain width. ~ talún, tíre, spread of land, of country. Níl uaidh ach ~ a leapa a fháil, all he wants is a place where he can lie down. Thug sé ~ a dhroma den urlár dó, he put him on the broad of his back on the floor. Bhí ~ ár mbonn, ár gcos, de thalamh na hÉireann againn, we had planted our feet on Irish soil. Buaileadh ~ a chraicinn air, he got a good hiding. Ar a ~ óir, for all the gold that would cover it. (c) Latitude. Sna leithid seo, in these latitudes. (d) Piece of cloth of certain width. ~ éadaigh, width of cloth. ~ mór, broad-cloth. ~ a chur i ngúna, to let a piece into a dress. (e) (Winnowing-)sheet. 2. Overweening pride, conceit, importance. Fear leithid, self-important man. Ag déanamh leithid, showing off. Tá talamh faoi le teann leithid, he is swelling with importance.
Ar fad, ar leithead, ar airde, ar doimhneacht, ar tiús, in length, breadth, height, depth, thickness.
~ leithid, degree of latitude.
Fad, leithead, a chur le rud, to lengthen, widen, sth.
Fágadh sínte ar a fhad is ar a leithead é, he was sent sprawling.
Is é a fhad agus a leithead é; is é a fhad ar a ghiorracht é, that is the long and the short of it.
Tá fad, leithead, leis, it has been lengthened, widened.
Fad, leithead, airde, ruda a thomhas, to measure the length, the width, the height, of sth.
Tá sé míle ar leithead, ar thomhas mo shúl, it is a mile wide, as far as my eye can gauge.
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