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lower, v.tr. a Cromaim, íslím (mo cheann), leagaim, stríocaim, ligim anuas (seol). b To lower s.o. on a rope, duine a ligean síos ar cheann téide Nau: Lower away! íslígí libh! scaoiligí anuas! To lower a boat, bád a chur amach. c Bainim d'airde (ruda). d Íslím, laghdaím (praghas); maolaím (teannas, solas); laghdaím (difríocht, etc.). e Íslím (mo ghuth). To lower the enemy's morale, baint de mhisneach na namhad. f Maolaím ar, bainim de (éirí in airde); bainim (an t-uabhar) as (duine). To lower oneself, tú féin a ísliú, a umhlú.
To lower the boats, na báid bheaga a ligean síos.
Lower case, cás beag.
The lower classes, na daoine bochta, an íosaicme.
Lower deck, bord íochtair.
Navy: The lower-deck ratings, F: The lower deck, mairnéalaigh shingil.
To lower s.o. down a precipice, duine a ligean síos le haill.
Lower lip, an liopa, béal, íochtair.
Lower part, bun m (dréimire, etc.); íochtar m (bróige, tíre, tobáin, etc.).
The lower world, Ifreann m.
The lower jaw, an corrán m, an giall m, íochtair.
The lower orders, an chosmhuintir f; na híochtaráin mpl.
Lower court, cúirt íochtarach.
Lower end of the table, an ceann thíos den bhord, bun an bhoird.
Sch: Lower forms, na ranganna ísle.
The lower animals, na hainmhithe brúidiúla.
To set (a song, etc.) lower, (amhrán, etc.) a chur níos ísle.
Lower mast, crann beag.
Lower millstone, nether millstone, bró íochtair.
The lower orders (of society), an aicme íseal.
Mus: To pitch one's voice higher, lower, airde an ghutha, a ardú, a ísliú.
To hoist, lower, a sail, seol a thógáil, a leagan.
The lower school, na bunranganna.
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