Lig ~ an téad chugam, lower the rope to me.
Ísligh ~ é, lower it a little.
~ uachtair, íochtair, upper, lower, lip.
~ a ísliú, a leagan, to lower a flag.
~ uachtair, íochtair, upper, lower, millstone.
~ cruaiche, bottom, lower part, of stack.
~ cruaiche, bottom, lower part, of stack.
~ locha, lower end, outlet, of lake.
~ íochtarach, uachtarach, lower, upper, teeth.
mór, beag, upper, lower, case.
An ~ uachtarach, íochtarach, the upper, lower, end.
Bád, canbhás, a chiorrú, to lower sails.
3. ~ géill, angle of jaw; lower jaw-bone, jaw.
~ íochtair, uachtair, lower, upper, bound.
~ íochtarach, lower court, court of first instance.
An ~ thíos, the lower world.
~ íochtair, uachtair, lower, upper, teeth.
Aon duine ~ easpag, any person lower than a bishop.
~ bairr, láir, íochtair, top, middle, lower, sod.
In íochtar na tíre, in the lower part of the country.
In ~ an ghleanna, in the lower part of the glen.
Na tithe in ~ an bhaile, the houses at the lower end of the town.
~ tí, lower part, ground floor, of house.
Cuir thart ar d’~ é, put it round the lower part of your body.
An t-~ cladaigh a bhaint, to cut the seaweed on the lower shore.
~ tíre, lower country, coastal districts.
Ag iníor ar na híochtair, grazing on the lower lands, on the bottoms.
An béal, an draid, íochtair, the lower lip, teeth.
An bealach íochtair, the lower way.
Tóg an ceann íochtair, take the lower one, the one at the bottom.
An leath ~, the lower half.
An teach ~, the lower house.
An ceann ~ den bhord, the lower end of the table.
An béal ~, the lower lip.
Anuas níos íochtaraí, at a lower, later, date.
Na híochtaráin, the lower orders, the subject people, the proletariat.
1. Bruach a ísliú, to lower a bank.
An brat a ísliú, to lower the curtain.
Bacán a ísliú, to lower a peg.
Do cheann a ísliú, to lower one’s head.
Praghsanna a ísliú, to lower prices.
~ cónra, lowering of coffin.
~ carnáin, lowering of heap.
~ gutha, lowering of voice.
~ spride, lowering of spirits, depression.
~ misnigh, lowering of spirits.
Seol a ~an, to lower a sail.
Cíos, luachanna, a ~an, to lower rent, prices.