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cár1, m. (gs. cáir). 1. Mouth (showing teeth); grin, grimace. ~ a chur ort féin le duine, to make a mouth, a grimace, at s.o. Chuir sé ~ gáire air féin, he gave a broad grin; he laughed derisively. 2. Coll: Teeth; set of teeth. ~ íochtarach, uachtarach, lower, upper, teeth. ~ sáibh, teeth of saw. Bhí a chár ag greadadh ar a chéile, his teeth were chattering. Is í a choinnigh an ~ ann, it was she who supported him. 3. Fig:Tá ~ ar an bhfarraige, the sea is ruffled, white with foam.
Cár fhág tú é? Tá, sa bhaile. Where did you leave it? At home, of course.
Cár chuir tú é? Where did you put it?
Cár fhág tú mo pheann? Where did you leave my pen?
Cár díoladh iad? Where were they sold?
Cár locht orm é? What fault was it in me?
Cár thairbhe duit é? What did, would, it profit you?
Cár chás dá mbeadh ciall aige? What matter if he had sense?
Cár bheag sin? Wasn’t that quite enough?
Cár bith rud é, whatever it is.
Cár bith lá is mian leat, whatever day you wish.
Cár bith a dúirt sé, whatever he said.
Cár bith is cúis leis, whatever is the cause of it.
Cár chóra domsa ná duitse é a dhéanamh? Why should I do it any more than you?
Cár ~ sé uainn? Where could he have gone from us?
Cár ~ do ghné? How could you have lost your appearance so?
Cár ~ sé leat? Where did you get hold of it?
Cár fhág tú mise? Where do I come into your reckoning?
Cár ghabh tú chugainn? Where have you come from?
Dá mbeadh in ~ ar aon duine cár ghabh sé, if any one should wonder where he went.
~, cár fhág tú é? Oh, where did you leave it?
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