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tóin, f. (gs. tóna, pl. ~eanna). Bottom. 1. (a) Backside, posterior. ~ duine, person’s buttocks. ~ ainmhí, éin, rump of animal, of bird. Suigh ar do thóin, sit where you are. Fágadh ina shuí ar a thóin é, he was left sitting there with nothing to do, left stranded. Bhí an capall ag caitheamh a thóna, the horse was flinging. Tá sé ag caitheamh a thóna arís, he is in high spirits again. Do thóin a thabhairt le rud, to turn one’s back on sth. (in contempt, in cowardice). Chuaigh sé ar a thóin ann, he backed out of it. Tá do thóin leis an scéal, you don’t know what you are talking about. Leithscéal a bhfuil a thóin leis, a lame excuse. Chuaigh an mórtas ina thóin dó, his pride took a nasty fall. ~ thar ceann, head over heels. ~ le talamh, squat person. ~ le gaoth, exposed place. S.a. faichill1 2, mórtas 1, piobar. (b) Seat. ~ bríste, seat of trousers. S.a. póca 1. 2. (a) Lowest part, underside ~ canna, méise, bottom of can, of dish. Tá súiche ar thóin an phota, there is soot on the bottom of the pot. I d~ an bháid, in the bottom of the boat. I d~ an phaca, at the bottom of the pack. Faoi thóin cártaí, discarded. Faoi thóin, in secret. Níl ~ ná ceann le fáil agam air, I can’t make head or tail of it. ~ in airde, upside down. (b) Bed (of sea, etc.). Ar thóin an locha, na farraige, at the bottom of the lake, of the sea. S.a. poll1 6, 11. (c) Base, support. Chuir sin ~ iontu, that set them up, provided the basis for their support. Thit an ~ as, it fell apart. Thit an ~ as an spéir, the rain came down in torrents. 3. (a) Lower end. ~ an bhaile, the lower end of the town(land). Ag ~ an tí, at the lower end of the house. (b) Farthest, inmost, end. I d~ an gharraí, at the back-end of the garden. Thiar i d~ na huaimhe, in at the back of the cave. (c) End. As ~ a chéile, end to end. 4. Bot: ~ fhionn, hare’s-tail, cotton-grass.
Caite i gcártaí, faoi thóin ~í, discarded.
Faoi thóin ~e, under a creel; tucked away in obscurity.
Chomh ~ le hairne, le bac, le cleite an fhéich, le gual, le pic, le sméar, le tóin corcáin, le Poll Tí Liabáin, as black as a sloe, as a hob, as a raven’s feather, as coal, as pitch, as a berry, as the bottom of a pot, as Erebus.
Tóin na ~, ace of hearts.
Tóin loinge a ghlanadh, to clean the bottom of a ship.
Do thóin do mharc, your jump is measured to where you touch the ground with your behind.
~ thóin gan taca, pride that cannot be sustained.
Tá ~ lena thóin, he is all excited; he can’t rest a moment.
Thug sé ~ sa tóin dó, he butted him in the behind.
~ tóna, hip-pocket.
Dul go tóin poill, to go to the bottom of the sea;
~ tóna, anus.
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