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lot could be a grammatical form of: loit »
lot, m. (gs. as s. loit, as vn. loite; npl. loit, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of loit1. 2. Hurt, wound; injury, damage. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, ar rud, to do injury to s.o., to sth. Rinneadh ~ scine air, he was wounded with a knife. ~ droma, back injury. ~ báis, fatal injury. ~ barr, damage to crops. ~ leachta, defacement of monument. ~ tíre, spoliation of country. Prov:~ a láimhe féin ar an gcearrbhach, we must pay for our mistakes. S.a. leadhb11(a).3. Violation, breach. ~ aithne, rialach, breach of commandment, of rule.
Tá ~ ainfheola ar an lot, there is a ring of proud flesh round the wound.
Lot a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to inflict an injury on s.o.
Lot leidhbe gan leasú air! May he rot in his pelt!
Aicíd, lot, a ~, to cure a disease, a wound.
Duine a lot, to injure s.o.
Ná ~ do shúile leis, don’t impair your eyes with it.
Earraí a lot, to damage goods.
Uirlis a lot, to spoil an implement.
Coirce ~, spoiled oats.
Geasa a lot, to violate prohibitions.
~ siad tuatha agus cealla, they ravaged lay and church territories.
Méadú loit, aggravation of wound.
Tá go leor le déanamh agam, I have a lot to do.
Is olc an ~ é, he is a bad lot.
Thug sé ~ mór air, he paid a lot of money for it.
Tá ~ airgid aige, he has a lot of money.
Is mór a d’~ an tír, the country has changed a lot.
Is olc an ~ í, she is a bad lot.
~ fuíll, job lot.
Bhí a lán ~í aici, she had a lot of rhymes and anecdotes.
Ag imirt ~ sop, casting lots (with straws).
Ba mhór an ~ an t-airgead, an deoch, air, the money, the drink, softened, sweetened, him a lot.
~ suime a dhéanamh de dhuine, to pay a lot of attention to, make much of, s.o.
ar na bóithre seo, a great many people pass along these roads, there is a lot of traffic on these roads.
A leithéid de chaibidil! Such debating! Such a lot of talk!
Tá an ~ iontu, they are a filthy lot.
~imis crainn (air), let us cast lots (for it).
Á chásamh féin de lá agus d’oíche, bemoaning his lot day and night.
Bhain sé ~ den iomlán acu, he held his own against the whole lot of them.
Níl gar a bheith ag ~, there is no use in complaining (about our lot).
Char dhada beagán! What a lot to expect!
7. Rachadh cuid mhór acu ~ tonna, it would take a lot of them to make a ton.
Más ~ dom é, if it is my lot.
Is tú is ~ leis an iomlán, you are to blame for the whole lot.
A leithéid de chlab! Such a lot of twaddle!
Bhí an ~ air, the game was up with him; it was his lot.
Is í an ~ mná í, she is a woman who gets around, visits, a lot; she is a gadabout.
Bhí ~ ríchártaí agam, I had a suit, a lot, of court cards.
Crainn a chaitheamh ar rud; rud a chur ar chrainn, to cast lots for sth.
Tháinig, thit, sé ar mo chrann, it fell to my lot.
Ba é a chrann a bhí ann, it was his lot.
Is mór a chruaigh an gasúr sin le bliain, that boy has become a lot hardier during the past year.
~ mhór páipéir, scríbhinní, a lot of paper, of writings.
Tá ~ mhór le rá aige, he has a lot to say, he talks a lot.
Bhí ~ daoine ann, there were quite a lot of people there.
Le cúinsí móra a ghlac sé é, he accepted it after a lot of fuss, of coaxing.
Bíonn mórán cúinsí ar siúl aige, he makes a great show of doing things, busies himself with a lot of things.
Níor dhada beagán! What a lot!
Tá ~ airgid aige, he has lots of money.
Is ~ an dream iad, they are a wicked lot.
Is beag an ~ a dhéanfadh braon, the tiniest thorn can suppurate, little things may cause a lot of trouble.
An t-iomlán ~ agaibh, the whole darned lot of you.
Is breá an ~ atá déanta acu inniu, they have turned up a lot of soil today.
Dúirt sé sin agus a lán ~ de, he said that and a lot besides.
Is olc an ~ iad, they are a bad lot.
Bhí a lán dá dhua agam, I had to work hard for it, had a lot of difficulty with it.
Ba mhór an ~ a chaith sé leis, he took a lot of trouble with it.
Rinne sé an ~ cainte, he talked an awful lot.
Bhí an ~ daoine ann, there were lots of people there.
Is olc an t-~ é, he is a [’bad article’, a bad lot.
Tá an-chuid ~a ar siúl aige, he deals in a lot of things.
D’fhág mé an ruaim is an fhabhair aige, I left him the whole lot, cleared out and let him do what he liked.
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