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dua, m. (gs. ~). Labour, toil; difficulty, trouble, hardship. ~ ruda a fháil; ~ a fháil le, ó, rud, to work hard at, be painstaking with, sth.; to put oneself out to do sth. Bhí a lán dá dhua agam, I had to work hard for it, had a lot of difficulty with it. Ba mhór an ~ a chaith sé leis, he took a lot of trouble with it. ~ a chur ar dhuine le rud, to make s.o. exert himself, put s.o. to trouble, to do sth. Chuir sé ~ air féin leis, he took pains with it. Rud a dhéanamh le ~, to do sth. with difficulty. ~ oibre, the strain, stress, of work. ~ na farraige, the hardships of seafaring. Fuair mé ~ mór uaidh, it was a great strain on me. Obair gan ~, effortless work. Ní gan ~ a rinneadh é, it was not done easily. Ní haon ~ liom é, it is no trouble to me. ~ agus deacair; ~ agus doghrainn, difficulty and distress. ~ agus doilíos; ~ agus duais, travail and sorrow. (Var:~dh m).
A bhfuair mé dá dhéine agus dá dhua, all the effort and trouble it cost me.
Dua agus ~, difficulty and distress.
Le ~ dua, with great difficulty.
Chuir tú an-dua den ~ ort féin, you went to a world of trouble.
Dua a thógáil le rud, to take trouble to do sth.
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