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airgead, m. (gs. & npl. -gid, gpl. ~). 1. Silver. Ór agus ~, gold and silver. Fáinne airgid, silver ring. ~ beo, quicksilver, mercury. 2. Money, sum of money. ~ buí, geal, rua, gold, silver, copper, money. ~ bréige, bad, counterfeit, money. ~ cinn, head-money. F: ~ coirce, dues. Hist: ~ croise, money engraved with cross; florin. ~ fola, blood-money. ~ imeartha, stakes (in gambling). ~ láimhe, cash (on hand). ~ mion, small change. ~ páipéir, paper money. ~ póca, pocket-money. ~ reatha, currency. ~ síos, cash down. ~ tirim, ready cash. Fear airgid, a rich man. Leabhar, cuntas, airgid, cash book, account. Ordú airgid, money order. Pinginí (beaga) airgid, a little money. An bhfuil aon phingin airgid agat? Have you any money? ~ a dhéanamh (ar), to make, earn, money (at, on); to make a profit (on). Thug sé ~ mór air, he paid a lot of money for it. Ag carnadh airgid, making heaps of money. S.a. acra1, marbh25(a). 3. Bot: ~ luachra, meadow-sweet. (Var: pl. ~aí1)
Talamh, airgead, go h~, plenty of land, of money.
Airgead ~í, rates (on land).
Chaith sé a chuid airgid le h~ an tsaoil, he spent his money on pleasure.
Tá airgead agat orm, I owe you money.
Tháinig sé ag iarraidh airgid orm, he came to ask me for money.
Bhí sé ag iarraidh é a cheannach ~ gan mórán airgid aige, he was trying to buy it although he had little money.
Thug sé ~ dá chuid airgid, he saved his money.
~ air féin, ar a chuid airgid, careful of himself, of his money.
Airgead, prátaí, etc., na h~, plenty of money, of potatoes, etc.
An ~ chéanna airgid, the same amount of money.
Tá an t-airgead sin in ~ don chíos, that money has been set aside to pay the rent.
Airgead a thabhairt ar ~ do dhuine, to advance s.o. money.
Airgead, maoin, a aistriú, to transfer money, property.
Nuair a bhí airgead aige níor ~ sé é, when he had money he did not appreciate it.
Má théann sé ~ ort go bhfuil airgead agat, if it gets abroad that you have money.
Bhí sé ~ lena chuid airgid, leis an ól, he was over-generous with his money, with drink.
Airgead ~, money wasted.
Tá airgead le hanamacha na marbh aige, he has money to burn.
Níl an t-airgead ~, the money is not there, available.
Tá ~ airgid aige, he has a lot of money.
Ní raibh ~ airgead agam, I had no money.
Tá siad santach ar airgead, they are greedy for money.
Ná lig as airgead é, don’t let him go short of money.
Tá ~ ar (airgead) aige, he has plenty of (money).
Ná ~ an t-airgead, leis an airgead, don’t bother, it doesn’t matter, about the money.
Airgead, cíos, litreacha, a bhailiú, to collect money, rent, letters.
~ airgid, stampaí, collection of money, stamps.
Airgead, duais, a bhaint, to win money, a prize.
~ as an airgead, use the money sparingly.
1. ~ siar as an airgead, use the money sparingly.
Airgead ~, silver money.
Airgead a chur sa bhanc, to lodge money in the bank.
Airgead a thógáil, a tharraingt, as an m~, to draw money from the bank.
Féar, airgead, go ~a bachall, plenty of grass, money.
~ óir, airgid, cruach, gold, silver, steel, ingot.
~ airgid, cainte, too much money, talk.
Ná déan a bheag díot féin ag iarraidh airgid air, don’t demean yourself by asking him for money.
Airgead a bhearnú, to use up money.
Bhain sé ~ as airgead an chíosa, he used up some of the rent money.
Bhí sé as obair, gan airgead, le cuthach, he was out of work, without money, in a fury.
~ airgid, bainc, iompair, láimhe, money-, bank-, way-, hand-, bill.
~ ar airgead, increase, interest, on money.
Má tá airgead ar ~ agat, if you have any money.
~ faoi airgead, scrupulous about money.
Bhladair sé an t-airgead uaim, he wheedled the money out of me.
Chuir sé ~ ar a chuid airgid, he put his money to good use.
Airgead a chaitheamh go ~, to spend money freely, foolishly.
Ba mhór an ~ an t-airgead, an deoch, air, the money, the drink, softened, sweetened, him a lot.
~ airgid, silver coin.
Airgead boise, ready cash.
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