meá1, f. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite; pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of meáigh. 2. Balance, scales. ~ bhoise, hand, kitchen, scales. ~ léibhinn, platform scales. ~ Rómhánach, Roman balance. Rud a thomhas sa mheá, to weigh sth. on the scales, in the balance. Cuir sa mheá é, put it on the scales; throw it into the scale. An mheá a chrochadh, to turn the scales. Ar mheá chothrom, evenly balanced. ~ ar mheá, in equilibrium; on level terms. I ~ an bháis, hovering between life and death. Idir dhá cheann na ~, hanging in the balance; in a critical condition. I ~ Mhichíl, ‘in St. Michael’s scales’, before the judgment seat. 3. Weight, measure. ~ chruithneachta, a measure of wheat. Go ~, in full measure. 4. Equivalent; equal, match. Níl a mheá le fáil, its equal is not to be found. Lit: Níor mheá do Bhrian é, he was no match for Brian. 5. Estimation, judgment. Is é mo mheá (go), it is my considered judgment (that). 6. Lit: Measure, expedient. Leis an ~ is fearr le Dia, by whatever means God deems best. 7. Astr: An Mheá, the Scales, Libra.
meá2, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~nna). Fishing-ground. ~ bhallach, fhaoitín, wrasse-, whiting-, bank. Iascaireacht ar an ~ mhór, deep-sea fishing.
meá3, f. (gs. ~). (Of drink) Mead.
An mheá a bhriseadh, to tip the scales.
Tá an mheá ina ~, the balance is set.
Meá chothrom, balanced measure.
Meá a chothromú, to adjust scales.
Lód a mheá, to weigh a load.
Rud a mheá ar na scálaí, ar do bhos, to weigh sth. in the scales, in one’s hand.
Ceist, tuairim, a mheá, to weigh a question, an opinion.
Do chuid cainte a mheá, to measure one’s words.
An mhaith agus an t-olc a mheá, to weigh the good against the evil.