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roinnt could be a grammatical form of: roinn »
roinnt, f. (gs. ~e, pl. rannta). 1. vn. of roinn2. 2. Division, apportionment. ~ talún, maoine, division of land, of property. ~ tí, tíre, dividing, partitioning, of house, of country. ~ airgid, ollmhaitheasaí, sharing of money, of good things. ~ eolais, léinn, sharing of knowledge, of learning. Gan ~, undivided, whole, entire. 3. Dealing, distribution. (a) ~ cártaí, card-dealing. Cé leis an ~? Whose deal is it? (b) ~ in earraí, i bplúr, in iasc, dealing in goods, in flour, in fish. 4. Mth: Division. 5. (a) (Partitive) Some, a number or amount (of). ~ airgid, some money. ~ de na scoláirí, some of the scholars. Le ~ blianta, for a number of years now. Chuir sé ~ imní orm, it gave me some anxiety. Tá ~ mhaith acu díolta, a good few of them have been sold. Bhí ~ mhaith córach linn, we had a fairly favourable wind. ~ eile acu, some more of them. (b) (As adv.) Somewhat. Tá sé ~ fuar, it is somewhat cold. Bhíomar ~ súgach, we were a bit merry. Chiúnaigh an aimsir ~, the weather calmed down a bit. Tá sé ~ bheag cosúil leat, he is a little bit like you. 6 = roinn1I1.
~ roinnte, halved joint.
Roinnt an bhodaigh a dhéanamh (ar rud), to give oneself the lion’s share of (of sth.).
1. Léarscáil a roinnt ina chearnóga, to divide a map into squares.
~na a dhéanamh de rud, rud a roinnt ina cheathrúna, to quarter sth., divide sth. into quarters. (Of measurement)
An ~ a íoc, a dhíol, a roinnt, le duine, to return a service to s.o., repay s.o. for what he has done for one.
An chreach a chosaint, a roinnt, to defend, share, the spoils.
Níl ~ a roinnte ann, there is not enough of it to go round.
Roinnte go h~, unequally divided.
An ~ a roinnt, to divide the spoils.
Roinnt gan ~, division with no remainder.
Rinneadh ~ orm nuair a bhí an deoch á roinnt, I was passed over when the drink was being shared out.
Rud a roinnt go ~, to divide sth. unfairly.
An ~ a roinnt le duine, to exchange compliments with s.o., to give s.o. tit for tat.
Talamh, maoin, a ~t, to divide land, property.
Tír a ~t, to divide a country.
Rud a ~t ina chodanna, to divide sth. into parts.
Rud a ~t ar dhaoine, to divide sth. among people.
Cártaí a ~t, to deal cards.
Ag ~t in earraí, dealing in goods.
~t go maith le duine, to deal well with s.o.
Is deacair ~t leo, it is hard to deal with them.
Tá trioblóid ag ~t leis, it involves trouble.
Céad a ~t ar dheich, to divide one hundred by ten.
Cártaí a ~adh (chun roinnte), to cut cards (for dealing).
Ní lúide an ~ a roinnt, charity is not diminished by being shared.
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