f. I. (
gs. & npl. ranna, gpl. rann).
1. Share, portion. Mo ~ den talamh, my apportioned share of the land. Fuair sí ~ óna hathair, she got a portion, a dowry, from her father. Tá do ~ agat, you have your share. Cion, cuid, ranna, allotted portion. Níl cuid ranna ann, it is not worth dividing. ~ iomairí, rundale. 2. Distribution; dealing, trading. Fear ranna, distributor; dealer, trader. Teach ranna, dealing-house, shop. Tá tú os cionn ranna, it is impossible to deal with you. Ní bheidh ~ agam leo, I will have no truck with them. Lit:
~ agus dáil, serving of food and drink. S.a. lámh 15.II. (gs. ~e, pl. ranna). 1. (a) Divided, partitioned, portion. ~ talún, divided portion of land. ~ de sheomra, partitioned portion of room. (b) Part, area. An ~ seo tíre, this part of the country. (c) Geog: An R~ Eorpa, the continent of Europe. Ceithre ranna an domhain, the four quarters of the globe. 2. Adm: Department. Ranna stáit, state departments. An R~ Oideachais, the Department of Education. 3. Gram:Ranna cainte, parts of speech. 4. (a) Biol: Division. (b) Anat: Part. Ranna an choirp, the parts of the body.
III = roinnt.
roinn2, v.t. & i. (vn. ~t). 1. Divide. (a) Separate into parts. Talamh, maoin, a ~t, to divide land, property. Tír a ~t, to divide a country. Rud a ~t ina chodanna, to divide sth. into parts. ~ ina bpéirí, ina n-aicmí, iad, divide them into pairs, into categories. (b) Share, apportion. Rud a ~t ar dhaoine, to divide sth. among people. ~ sí na milseáin orthu, she shared out the sweets among them. ~ an fheoil, apportion the meat. ~imis an obair eadrainn, let us share the work between us. ~ sé a chuid eolais linn, he shared his knowledge with us. S.a. cnámh 1(a), creach1 2. 2. Deal, distribute. (a) Cártaí a ~t, to deal cards. (b)Ag ~t in earraí, dealing in goods. (c) ~t go maith le duine, to deal well with s.o. Is deacair ~t leo, it is hard to deal with them. ~fidh mé feac na láí leat, I’ll take the spade-handle to you. 3. Involve, entail. Tá trioblóid ag ~t leis, it involves trouble. 4. Mth: Divide. Céad a ~t ar dheich, to divide one hundred by ten.
Roinnt an bhodaigh a dhéanamh (ar rud), to give oneself the lion’s share of (of sth.).
Ranna ~e, parts of speech.
~ roinne, head of department.
1. Léarscáil a roinnt ina chearnóga, to divide a map into squares.
~na a dhéanamh de rud, rud a roinnt ina cheathrúna, to quarter sth., divide sth. into quarters. (Of measurement)
An ~ a íoc, a dhíol, a roinnt, le duine, to return a service to s.o., repay s.o. for what he has done for one.
An chreach a chosaint, a roinnt, to defend, share, the spoils.
Níl ~ (na) ranna ann, there is not enough of it to go round.
Níl ~ a roinnte ann, there is not enough of it to go round.
An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha, the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Roinnte go h~, unequally divided.
Roinn siad go fial ~ linn, they shared munificently with us.
An ~ a roinnt, to divide the spoils.
Roinnt gan ~, division with no remainder.
Is ~ a roinn tú é, you divided it rather thinly.
Roinn sé go ~ linn, he treated us generously.
Roinn sé go ~ é, he shared it grudgingly.
Roinn ~ an péire acu é, divide it between the pair of them.
Rann ~, pliant, easy-flowing, verse.
Rinneadh ~ orm nuair a bhí an deoch á roinnt, I was passed over when the drink was being shared out.
Rud a roinnt go ~, to divide sth. unfairly.
~ ranna, divided portion, share.
Roinn ina n-ochtanna iad, divide them into eights.
An ~ a roinnt le duine, to exchange compliments with s.o., to give s.o. tit for tat.
~ leathach, two-part stanza.
~ molta, eulogistic verse.
~ a ghabháil, a rá, to recite a verse; to sing a stave of a song.
~ an mhadra, doggerel verse; rigmarole.
Ná déan ~ de, don’t make a song out of it.
Breith idir dhá ~, a decision between two parties.
De thoil an dá ~, with the consent of both parties.
Rinne ár namhaid ~ linn, our enemy joined forces with us.
An rann sin romhainn, the foregoing stanza.
~ talún, maoine, division of land, of property.
~ tí, tíre, dividing, partitioning, of house, of country.
~ airgid, ollmhaitheasaí, sharing of money, of good things.
~ eolais, léinn, sharing of knowledge, of learning.
Gan ~, undivided, whole, entire.
Cé leis an ~? Whose deal is it?
~ in earraí, i bplúr, in iasc, dealing in goods, in flour, in fish.
~ de na scoláirí, some of the scholars.
Le ~ blianta, for a number of years now.
Chuir sé ~ imní orm, it gave me some anxiety.