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sárú could be a grammatical form of: sáraigh »
sárú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of sáraigh. 2. Violation. ~ rialach, infringement of rule. ~ dlí, contravention of law. ~ cúnaint, breach of covenant. ~ cóipchirt, infringement of copyright. ~ eaglaise, profanation of church. ~ mná, rape of woman. Thar ~, in violation of, in despite of. 3. (a) Thwarting, frustration. ~ iarrachta, frustration of effort. (b) Confutation, contradiction. ~ argóna, refutation of argument. (c) Wearying, exhaustion. Tá ~ coirp agus intinne ann, it is physically and mentally exhausting. 4. (a) Overcoming, surmounting. ~ deacrachta, surmounting of difficulty. (b) Excelling, surpassing. Tá a shárú sin de scéal agam, I have an even better story than that. Níl a ~ le fáil, there is nothing to beat them.
An ~ a shárú, to pass the century mark.
Sárú gealltanais, breach of promise.
Níl a shárú faoi rás, faoi rothaí, faoi luí, na gréine, there’s nothing better than it under the sun.
Sáraithe ón lá, exhausted after the day’s work.
Sárú ~e, infringement of patent.
Aithne, dlí, a shárú, to transgress a commandment, a law.
Riail a shárú, to infringe a rule.
Cearta an duine a shárú, to violate human rights.
Eaglais a shárú, to profane a church.
Tearmann a shárú, to violate a sanctuary.
Bean a shárú, to rape a woman.
Cuspóir a shárú, to thwart a purpose.
Iarracht a shárú, to frustrate an effort.
Argóint a shárú, to confute an argument.
Tá sibh i gcónaí ag sárú ar a chéile, you are forever contradicting one another.
Gaisce a shárú, to better a feat.
Údarás a shárú, to exceed authority.
Duine a shárú i rás, to get the better of s.o. in a race.
Tá an leathchéad sáraithe aige, he has passed the fifty(-year) mark.
Bhí na madraí ag sárú na gcaorach, the dogs were worrying the sheep.
Tú féin a shárú ag obair, ag rith, to exhaust oneself working, running.
Tá mé sáraithe, I am tired out.
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