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sásaigh, v.t. (vn. -amh). 1. Lit: Assuage appetite; feed. 2. Satisfy, please. Duine a shásamh le rud, to satisfy s.o. with sth. Dúil a shásamh, to gratify a desire. Is furasta iad a shásamh, they are easily pleased. Shásaigh mé mé féin den bhia, I took as much as I needed of the food. ~ thú féin, please yourself. Rinne sé é nuair a shásaigh sé é féin, he did it when he got out of his sulks. Ní shásódh an saol cuid de na daoine, some people are never satisfied.
Obair, comhrá, sásamh, a bhaint as duine, to get work, conversation, satisfaction, out of s.o.
Sásamh ~, keen satisfaction.
Tá sásamh ~e ann, it satisfies the mind.
Rud a bhfuil ~ ann, a satisfying thing.
~ dúile, gratification of desire.
Is mór an ~ é, it is a great source of satisfaction.
An ~ a bhaint as rud, to take the good out of sth.
Is é an duine gan ~ é, he is such an unsatisfactory person to deal with; he is such a dull person.
~ a thabhairt i rud, to expiate sth.
~ i gcoir, satisfaction for an offence.
Níl ~ le fáil agam uaidh, I can get no satisfaction from him.
~ a bhaint as duine, to get even with s.o.
Só, síocháin, sásamh, a thabhairt, to give comfort, peace, satisfaction.
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