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sásta, a3. 1. var. pp. of sásaigh. 2. Satisfied, contented, pleased. Bheith ~ le rud, de rud, to be satisfied with sth. Tá sé ~ leis féin, he is pleased with himself. ~ den bhia, satisfied with the food. Níl sé ~ den tairiscint, he is not pleased with the offer. Bheith ~ in áit, to be contented in a place. Bheinn lán chomh ~ fanacht anseo, I would just as soon stay here. 3. Agreeable, willing. Bheith ~ rud a dhéanamh, to be willing to do sth. Má tá sé féin ~, if he himself is willing. Tá mé ~, I consent. 4. Handy. (a) Easy to handle, to manage. Ball ~, handy article. Bád, capall, ~, manageable boat, horse. (b) Convenient. Tá sé ~ lena iompar, it is easy to carry. Beidh sé ~ agam, it will come in handy for me. Tá na siopaí ~ againn, we have the advantage of being near the shops. (c) Clever with one’s hands. Buachaill ~, deft, efficient, boy. Tá foireann shásta agat, you have a handy crew. 5. (As adv.) Go ~, easily. Tá an oiread sin go ~ ann, there is at least that much in it. 6 : sásamh.
Ní raibh sé sásta faoi rá gur inis mé di é, he was not pleased that I told her.
Bhí sé sásta ~ an leithscéal sin a ghabháil leis, he was satisfied when that excuse was offered to him.
Is ~ againn atá sásta leis, few of us are satisfied with it.
Bheith go maith, go breá, go sásta, go socair, to be well, fine, satisfied, quiet.
Bhí ~ na ndaoine sásta leis, the great majority of the people were satisfied with it.
Is ~ go bhfuil siad sásta leis sin, they seem to be satisfied with that.
An bhfuil tú sásta? Níl ná ~ de shásta. Are you satisfied? Not in the least.
Dá mhéad a fuair sé ní raibh sé sásta, no matter how much he got he was not satisfied.
Má tá tú sásta de, if you are satisfied with it.
Is beag an ~ duit a bheith sásta leo, it is no wonder you are satisfied with them.
Má tá aon ~ sásta leo, if anybody is satisfied with them.
Bhain, ghabh, thóg, sé an ~ go sásta, he won the bet easily; he was an easy winner.
agus) D’imigh siad agus ~ sásta lena gcuairt, they went away satisfied with their visit.
Níl ~ duit a bheith sásta, no wonder you are satisfied.
Tá sé sásta lena iarracht, he is pleased with his attempt.
Ní mó ná sásta a bhí sé, he was not very pleased.
~ raibh tú sásta leis cad chuige ar ghlac tú é? If you were not satisfied with it why did you accept it?
Bheimisne sásta leis sin, we would be satisfied with that.
~ sásta, quiet and content.
Tá siad (go) ~ sásta, they are happy and content.
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