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cosúil1, a2. 1. (With le) Like, resembling. Tá sé ~ lena athair, he is like his father. Ba chosúil le taibhse é, he had the appearance of a ghost. Tá an cúpla ~ le chéile, the twins are alike. Cé leis is ~ í? Cé leis a bhfuil sí ~? Whom is she like? Is í is cosúla leat féin, she is the one who is most like yourself. Is ~ é le duine a fuair scanradh, he looks as if he had got a fright. Is beag atá ~ leis, he has few equals. Más gaolmhar ní ~, they may be related but they are not alike. 2. Is ~ go, it appears that, apparently. Is ~ go bhfuil siad sásta leis sin, they seem to be satisfied with that. Is ~ gur fíor é, it appears to be true. Is ~ nár bheannaigh siad dó, apparently they did not salute him. Is ~ nach miste leis, he doesn’t seem to care. Ba chosúil air go raibh an bás aige, he had the appearance of a dying man. Ní ~ dó go dtiocfaidh sé inniu, it doesn’t look as if he will come today. Is ~ é, so it seems. Tá, is ~, yes, apparently. 3. Seeming, fair. Tá an coirce ~ go leor, the oats look fairly good. Aimsir chosúil, fair weather.
cosúil2 = cosúlaigh.
Is cosúil go raibh siad in ~ dá chéile, it seems they were fated for each other.
Is maith chun a chéile, is cosúil le chéile, an ~ séire is an giolla, like master like man.
Tá sibh cosúil le chéile, you are like each other.
Is cosúil go raibh an bás sin ina chomhair, it seems he was fated to die in that way.
(Labhair) cosúil le ~, (speak) in a Christian manner, charitably.
Níl sé cosúil leat ar dhóigh na ndóigheanna, he is not like you in any way whatsoever, by any manner of means.
Más ~ ní cosúil, they may be related but they are not alike.
~ sin, is cosúil gur fíor é, in that case, it appears to be true.
Tá sé ~ bheag cosúil leat, he is a little bit like you.
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