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tonn1, f. (gs. toinne, pl. ~ta; ds. toinn & gpl. ~used in certain phrases).1. Wave. (a)~ta na farraige, the waves of the sea. Tá ~ bheag san fharraige, there is a slight swell in the sea. ~ taoide, ~ tuile, tidal wave. ~ bháite, beachcomber; stormy ocean wave. Amuigh ar na ~ta báite, out on the perilous seas. De bharr na d~, over the waves. Thar toinn, over the sea, overseas. Faoi thoinn, underwater, submarine. I mbéal na toinne, at the edge of the sea. Ar toinn nó ar tír, on sea or land. Nau:~ a thógáil, to ship a sea. (b)Ó chuaigh an ~ bhaiste orm, since the water of baptism was poured over me. ~ fola, discharge of blood. ~ thaoscach, sudden fit of vomiting. (c)~ teasa, ~ teaspaigh, heat-wave. ~ feirge, wave of anger. Tá ~ gharbh ann, he is inclined to be rough. (d)Tá ~ mhaith dá aois caite; tá ~ mhaith aoise aige, he is getting on in years. (e)El:~ iompair, carrier-wave. Ph:~ chónaitheach, phlánach, standing, plane, wave. ~ turrainge, shock wave. 2. Surface, skin. (a)Ar ~ talún, on the face of the earth. Faoi mo thoinn, under my skin, within me. ~ na súile, conjunctiva. (b)~ ar bogadh, ~ chrithir, quaking sod. (Var:pl. ~a)
tonn2, v.t. & i. 1. Billow, surge; gush, pour. Ag ~adh isteach ar na cladaí, pouring in waves over the beaches. Ag ~adh aníos as an talamh, welling up out of the ground. Bhí an fhearg ag ~adh aníos ionam, anger was surging up within me. Ag ~adh deataigh, billowing smoke. Bhí an ghrian ag ~adh teaspaigh orainn, the heat of the sun was beating down on us. Bhí an fhuil ag ~adh as, the blood was gushing out of him. Bhí sé ag ~adh óil orainn, he was pouring drink copiously for us. 2. (Of surface) Undulate.
Tonn ~, receding wave.
Tháinig an ~ ar an leanbh, the child became convulsed.
~ an bháis, the throes of death.
I m~ toinne, on the edge of the waves.
Bheith bliain d’aois, troigh ar airde, slat ar fad, tonna meáchain, punt an chloch, to be a year old, a foot high, a yard long, a ton weight, a pound a stone.
Tá siad á m~ ar bharr toinne, they are being tossed about on the waves.
Tá na tonnta ag ~eadh faoi thír, the waves are breaking on the coast.
~ sléibhe, toinne, crest of mountain, of wave.
~ na gaoithe, na dtonn, the roar of the wind, of the waves.
~ toinne, low-water mark.
~ farraige, mara, na dtonn, spindrift, spume.
Tonnta ~a, white-crested waves.
~ unsa, tonna, quarter of an ounce, of a ton.
7. Rachadh cuid mhór acu ~ tonna, it would take a lot of them to make a ton.
~ cnoic, toinne, crest of hill, of wave.
Chiúnaigh Sé na tonnta, He stilled the waves.
~ toinne, surf-board.
2. ~ toinne, black guillemot.
Ag comhrac na mara, na dtonn, combating the sea, the waves.
~ uisce, toinne, talún, surface of water, of wave, of land.
~ na sruthán, na dtonn, the murmuring of the streams, of the waves.
~ na habhann, na dtonn, the foam on the river, on the waves.
Ag damhsa ar bharr na dtonn, bobbing on the crest of the waves.
~ toinne, crest of wave.
Ag éirí ar bharr toinne, rising on the top of a wave.
Tonna, ~ nó thairis, a ton, more or less.
~ cainte, gutha, gaoithe, toinne, sound of speech, of voice, of wind, of wave.
~ gutha, gaoithe, toinne, ceoil, the sound of a voice, of a wind, of a wave, of music.
Na tonnta a ghearradh, to furrow the waves.
I n~ toinne, in the trough of a wave.
Cloch, tonna, go leith, one and a half stone, tons.
Ar ~ thar na tonnta, riding the waves.
~ na dtonn, the sound of the waves.
~ na dtonn ar na carraigeacha, the lapping of the waves on the rocks.
Tonnta ~a, continuous waves.
~ toinne, trough of wave.
~ na dtonn, the motion of the waves.
Mhaidhm an tonn tharstu, the wave broke over them.
~ na mara, na dtonn, the churning of the sea, of the waves.
Tonnta a mhaolú, to damp waves.
~ toinne, surf-rider.
Mheáigh sé tonna, it weighed a ton.
Na tonnta ag míniú na gcloch, the waves giving the stones a smooth surface.
Tonn mhara, ocean wave.
~ an chatha, na dtonn, the tumult of the battle, of the waves.
Tonn phlánach, plane wave.
Gur ~ sé béal toinne, till he reached the water’s edge.
Ag ~eadh na dtonn, na farraige, ploughing the waves, the seas.
~ na dtonn, the roll of the waves.
~ toinne, taoide, race of wave, of tide.
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