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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for worm »
worm1, s. Péist f. 1 a Earthworm, péist thalún. Even the worm will turn, troidfidh cailleach i gcruachás. He is a worm, is é an suarachán, an péisteánach, é. b Ent: Cruimh f. F: The worm of conscience, gearradh m coinsiasa. S.a. BLIND-WORM, BOOK-WORM, SILKWORM, ETC. c Med: Vet: To have worms, péisteanna a bheith ann. 2 a Snáithe m (scriú). b Scriú m tadhaill. Worm and sector, scriú m agus teascóg f. Conveyor worm, scriú iompair. c Péist (stile).
worm2, v.tr. a To worm (oneself, one's way) through the undergrowth, caolú, tú féin a streachailt, tríd an gcasarnach. He wormed himself into the king's favour, bhí sé ag obair leis gur mheall an rí ar a thaobh. b To worm a secret out of s.o., rún a mhealladh, a bhréagadh, ó dhuine.
The cheese was alive with worms, bhí an cháis ar snámh le crumhóga.
Prov: The early bird catches the worm, is é an ceannaí moch a dhéanann an margadh.
Caddis(-worm), cruimh chadáin.
Earth-worm casts, cacanna péisteanna talún.
(Of insect, worm) It eats into the wood, pollann sé an t-adhmad.
Fluke(-worm), cruimh phucháin.
Endless screw, worm screw, scriú gan deireadh.
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