amount1, s. 1 Suim f, méid m, candam m. What is the amount of it? cé mhéad atá ann? Have you the right amount, bhfuil an tsuim cheart agat? (Up) to the amount of twenty pounds, a fhad le fiche punt. 2 a Cuid f -oda. Twice that amount, a dhá oiread sin. He spent it in small amounts, chaith sé ina chodanna beaga é. F: To spend any amount of money, na múrtha airgid a chaitheamh. He has any amount of money, tá sé ar maos in airgead, tá an-lear airgid aige. Any amount of people saw it, chonaic a lán daoine é. b Ph: Ch: Cainníocht f. 3 Fiúntas m. It is of little amount, is beag is fiú é.
amount2, v.i. 1 Déanann (suas). It amounted to five pounds, bhí cúig phunt san iomlán, rinne sé (suas) cúig phunt. I don't know what my debts amount to, níl a fhios agam cé mhéad fiacha atá orm. 2 (Be equivalent) Is ionann agus. It amounts to the same thing, is ionann an cás; F: tá sé chomh fada is atá sé leathan. His speech amounts to this, seo é bun agus barr a chuid cainte. 3 He will never amount to much, ní thiocfaidh sé in éifeacht choíche.
The public must tender the exact amount, tugtar an t-airgead cothrom.
The amount of my indebtedness, a bhfuil d'fhiacha orm.
Quantities, sums, less than a certain amount, suimeanna is lú ná oiread áirithe, faoi bhun oiread áirithe.
He gave me a like amount, thug sé a chomhoiread dom.
You'll have to manage with that amount, caithfidh tú teacht leis an méid sin.
The amount standing to your credit, an méid atá ag teacht chugat.
He stood out for the full amount, ní bhogfadh sé go bhfaigheadh sé an t-iomlán.
Thrice that amount of money, a thrí oiread sin airgid.
They enjoyed a tolerable amount of freedom, bhí saoirse réasúnta acu.
Total amount, suim f iomlán.
To spend a vast amount of money, na múrtha airgid a chaitheamh.