The trousers are baggy, tá an bríste ina mhála.
(Pair of) breeches, bríste m.
Buckskin breeches,, bríste de chraiceann fia.
Well-creased trousers, bríste a mbeadh fithín pointeáilte ann.
pl.Ind: Dungarees, bríste m dungaraí.
Flannels, bríste m flainín.
He gave his trousers a hitch, bhain sé tarraingt aníos as a bhríste.
F: The grey mare is the better horse, ar an mbean atá an bríste.
Moleskins, bríste muilscín.
Nether garments, bríste m.
A pair of trousers, of drawers, bríste m, fobhríste m.
Cost: (Pair of) pants, bríste m, triús m.
He is under petticoat government, ar a bhean atá an bríste.
Trouser-pocket, póca m bríste.
(Bathing-)slips, bríste snámha.
Trouser stretcher, sínteoir bríste.
Turn-up trousers, bríste fillte ina íochtar.
Velveteens, bríste veilbhitín.