Additional tax, cáin bhreise.
Excess weight, meáchan breise.
Rail: Excess fare, táille bhreise.
Extra charge, táille breise.
Sch: Extra subject, ábhar breise.
Little extras; mionchostais (breise).
Excess fare, táille bhreise.
Extra lay-days, laethanta breise; laethanta moillráta.
Riders, Easnacha breise; plátaí breise.
They are running an extra train to-day, tá traein bhreise inniu acu.
Spare parts, s.spares, páirteanna breise.
Spare wheel, tyre, roth, bonn, breise.
Thanks to your superior knowledge, a bhuí le d'eolas breise.
To add a few touches to a picture, deismínteacht bheag bhreise a dhéanamh ar phictiúr.