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Nau: To back the oars, to back water, (i) an bád a chúlú; (ii) (to stop way) siúl a bhaint den bhád.
To beat the retreat, an cúlú a bhualadh (ar an droma).
To beat a retreat, (i) Mil: cúlú; (ii) na boinn a thabhairt as.
The cavalry covered the retreat, chosain an marcshlua an cúlú.
Reversing gear, giar cúlaithe.
Aut: To go into reverse, an giar cúlaithe a ghabháil; cúlú.
Aut: To reverse a car, abs.to reverse, gluaisteán a chúlú; cúlú.
Mec.E: Reversing lever, luamhán cúlaithe.
To shrink away, cúlú go faiteach.
Shrinking (away, back) from sth., cúlú ó rud; cúbadh m siar ó rud.
The sounding of the retreat, séideadh chun cúlaithe.
To gather stern-way, dul ar gcúl, cúlú.
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