Recording barometer, baraiméadar cláraithe.
Registered bond, banna cláraithe.
Post: Registration fee, táille cláraithe.
Port of registry, port m cláraithe.
To register a birth, breith a chlárú.
To register a trademark, marc m trádála a chlárú.
To register luggage, a letter, bagáiste, litir, a chlárú.
Registration of luggage, clárú bagáiste.
(Hotel) registration form, foirm chláraithe (óstáin).
Nau: Certificate of registry, teastas m cláraithe.
Mil: Nau: To put, enter, a man on the rolls, fear a chlárú.
Per net register ton, an tonna cláraithe glan.
Registered tonnage, tonnáiste cláraithe.
Registered trademark, trádmharc cláraithe.