F: Chartered libertine, ainrianaí cruthanta.
Villian of the deepest dye, cladhaire m cruthanta, deargchladhaire m.
He's a perfect fiend, diabhal cruthanta é.
A priceless idiot, pleidhce cruthanta.
P: He's a proper rogue, rógaire cruthanta é; rógaire ceart é.
A real Englishman, Sasanach cruthanta.
He represents himself as a model of virtue. cuireann sé i gcéill gur fíréan cruthanta é féin.
F: He's a little terror, a holy terror, is é an diabhailín, an t-áibhirseoirín, cruthanta é.
A thorough scoundrel, deargbhithiúnach, bithiúnach cruthanta.
The typical Frenchman, an Francach cruthanta, críochnaithe.
Unconscionable rogue, rógaire cruthanta.
F: Unmitigated ass, pleidhce cruthanta, críochnaithe.
Unutterable fool, amadán cruthanta; deargamadán.
He is a gambler with a vengeance, cearrbhach cruthanta é.
F: A liar of the first water, bréagadóir cruthanta.
He is a perfect wreck, tá sé ina chreatán cruthanta.