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Similar words: camas · cámas · cuas · cuma · cumaí
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He did it to the best of his ability, rinne sé é chomh maith is bhí ar a chumas.
He was barely able to do it, ní raibh ann ach go raibh sé ar a chumas é a dhéanamh.
I can do it, is féidir liom, tá sé ar mo chumas, é a dhéanamh.
Business capacity, cumas m, bua m, gnó.
Carrying capacity, cumas m iompair.
Power of concentration, cumas dianmhachnaimh, cumas m cruinnithe meabhrach.
He was distrustful of his own capabilities, ní raibh aon mhuinín aige as a chumas féin.
Fin: Earning capacity, cumas m gnóthaithe.
To empower s.o. to do sth., a chur ar chumas duine rud a dhéanamh.
To enable s.o. to do sth., (i) é a chur ar chumas duine rud a dhéanamh; (ii) Jur: údarás a thabhairt do dhuine chun rud a dhéanamh.
Evenly matched, ar aon chumas.
Facility with the pen, cumas m scríbhneoireachta.
The faculty of speech, cumas labhartha.
F: He's a feeble sort of chap, duine éidreorach, gan aon chumas, é.
Aut: Fitness to drive, oiriúnacht do thiomáint, cumas m tiomána.
To gauge s.o.'s capacities, cumas duine a mheas.
He has the goods, tá cumas a dhéanta aige.
To make it impossible for s.o. to do sth., a chur thar chumas duine rud a dhéanamh.
To indispose s.o. for sth., rud a chur ó chumas duine.
As hard as he could lick, chomh tapaidh agus bhí ina chumas.
As far as in me lies, chomh fada agus atá ar mo chumas.
(Of crane) Lifting power, capacity, cumas m tógála.
That is out of my power, tá sin taobh thall de mo chumas.
(Of artist) To go outside his range, dul thar a chumas, thar a shnáithe.
Would it be possible for you to. . .? an mbeadh sé ar do chumas...?
Gram: The potential (mood), an modh cumais.
Military potentialities of a country, cumas m míleata tíre.
I will do all in my power, déanfaidh mé a bhfuil ar mo chumas.
Attractive power, cumas tarraingthe.
He is powerless to do it, níl sé ar a chumas é a dhéanamh.
He was precluded from doing that, cuireadh ó chumas air é sin a dhéanamh.
Heating quality of turf, cumas téite móna.
To give without stinting, dáileadh gan chumas.
One of the poems that I composed, dán dár chumas.
To set too high a valuation on s.o.'s abilities, an iomarca measa a bheith agat ar chumas duine.
To pay one's way, gan caitheamh thar do chumas; fanacht os cionn do chumais.
I helped him in my small way, an beagán cuidithe a bhí ar mo chumas, thug mé dó é.
To do as well as one can, do dhícheall, do chumas, a dhéanamh.
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