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díriú could be a grammatical form of: dírigh »
F: To draw a bead on s.o., díriú ar dhuine.
All eyes were focused on him, bhí súile na cuideachta uile dírithe air.
To get to work, cromadh, díriú, ar obair.
To head for a place, déanamh, díriú, ar áit.
To keep one's eyes fixed on sth., na súile a choinneáil dírithe ar rud.
To move towards a place, déanamh, díriú, ar áit.
Rectifier station, stáisiún dírithe.
W.Tel: Rectifying device, gléas m dírithe.
To shape one's course for home, díriú, déanamh, ar an mbaile.
Nau: To steer a southerly course, díriú ó dheas.
To go straight towards s.o., díriú ar dhuine.
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