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v.tr.The house belched (forth, out) flames, smoke, bhí an teach ag tonnadh amach lasracha, deataigh.
Coils of smoke, ribíní mpl (deataigh).
Ind: Factory fumes, deatach, toit, monarchan.
Smoke implies a fire, an áit a mbíonn deatach bíonn tine.
It smacks of smoke, tá blas beag den deatach air.
The lamp is smoking, tá toit, deatach, ag an lampa.
The chimney is smoking a great deal, tá an simléar ag plúchadh deataigh.
Smoked fish, iasc deataigh.
Smoky lamp, lampa agus toit as, a mbíonn deatach aige.
The horses were steaming with sweat, bhí deatach allais ag éirí de na capaill.
Volumes of smoke, múrtha mpl, mótaí mpl, deataigh.
To vomit smoke, bheith ag brúchtadh deataigh.
To whiff smoke, bheith ag puthaíl dheataigh.
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