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A voice from above, glór as na Flaithis.
The saints in glory, na fíréin sna Flaithis.
To go to heaven, dul chun na bhflaitheas.
Glory to God in the highest, glóir do Dhia sna flaithis.
On high, ar neamh, sna flaithis.
Glory be to God on High, glóir do Dhia sna flaithis.
To lift up one's hands to heaven, do dhá láimh a ardú chun na bhflaitheas.
Father Peter O'Leary of blessed memory, an tAthair Peadar Ó Laoghaire, méadú ar a ghlóire sna flaithis.
To go to paradise, dul do na flaithis, ar neamh.
To create utopias, na flaithis a chur ar talamh.
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