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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for fold »
fold1, s. 1 Sheep-fold, loc m, banrach f (caorach). 2 F: Tréad f na hEaglaise.
fold2, v.tr. Locaim (caoirigh); cuirim (caoirigh) sa bhanrach.
fold3, s. a Filleadh m, filleasc f; log m (talún). Box folds, inverted folds, pléataí mpl tuathail. b Metalw: Filleadh m, aoile f. c Duille m, comhla f (dorais), d Geol: Fill f.
fold4 . 1 v.tr. a Fillim (duilleog páipéir, etc.). To fold down, back, the blankets, na blaincéid a fhilleadh, a iompú, ar ais. To fold in two, (éadach, etc.) a dhúbailt. To fold sth. up, rud a chornadh ar a chéile. b To fold sth. in sth., rud a fhilleadh i rud. She folded him in her arms, rug barróg air. c To fold one's arms, na géaga a fhilleadh ar a chéile. To fold one's hands, na lámha a shnaidhmeadh ina chéile. 2 v.i. Filleann, dúblaíonn (ar ais). It folds back, down, luíonn (coiléar, etc.) siar, síos.
-fold5, a.suff. Faoi (+numeral). Fourfold, faoi cheathair. To repay s.o. tenfold, a dheich n-oiread cúitimh a dhéanamh le duine; comaoin duine a chúiteamh faoi dheich leis.
With arms folded across his breast, na lámha crosach ar a bhrollach.
Folding camera, ceamara fillte.
Folding chair, cathaoir fhillte.
Folding doors, doras infhillte.
To fold a sheet double, bráillín a dhúbailt.
Folding camera, ceamara m infhillte.
Car with a folding head, carr faoi cheann infhillte.
Folding hood, cumhdach m infhillte.
Folding ladder, dréimire infhillte.
Folding rule, riail infhillte.
Folding screen, scáthlán fillte.
Folding seat, suíochán fillte.
Folding shutters, comhlaí infhillte.
Folding stool, stól infhillte.
Folding tripod, trípéad infhillte.
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