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To run amuck, dul ar mire le craos fola.
Blood bank, stór m fola.
To bleed for one's country, do chuid fola a dhoirteadh ar son do thíre.
He is spitting blood, tá sé ag caitheamh amach seilí fola.
The blood stream, cúrsa na fola.
It makes my blood boil, cuireann sé mo chuid fola is feola trína chéile; cuireann sé i mbarr mo chéille mé.
His blood ran cold, d'éirigh a chuid fola fuar.
Ven: To blood the hounds, blas fola a thabhairt do na cúnna.
One of his eyes is blood shot, tá séideadh fola ar leathshúil leis.
(Of bird) It casts its feathers, folann sé.
Blood corpuscles, coirpíní fola.
The deciding game, báire m na fola.
Blood donation, deonachán m fola.
Donor of blood, deontóir m fola.
Blood film, sceo m fola.
His own flesh and blood, a ghaolta fola féin, a mhuintir féin.
The odd game, the deciding game, cluiche na fola.
Red murrain, mún m fola.
To take precious good care of sth., aire na fola a thabhairt do rud.
Med: Blood pressure, brú fola.
High blood pressure, ardbhrú fola.
To set a price on s.o.'s head, fiacha a chuid fola a chur ar dhuine
Blood relationship, gaol fola.
Watch it religiously, tabhair aire na fola dó.
The rubber game, cluiche na fola.
The rivers ran blood, bhí na haibhneacha ina dtuilte fola.
Rush of blood to the head, rabharta fola faoin gcloigeann.
A sea of blood, loch mhór fola.
Showers of blood, frasa mpl fola.
To stanch a wound, cneá a chosc ar chur fola.
Strict vigilance, aire na fola.
The supreme test, báire m na fola.
The blood surged to her cheeks, d'éirigh tonn fola ina leiceann.
Blood test, promhadh fola.
To thirst for blood, fraoch fola a bheith ort.
Thirsty for blood, fraochmhar chun fola.
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