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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for hop »
hop1, s. Lus m an leanna, leannlus m -a.
hop2, s. 1 a Truslóg f, abhóg f, preab f. b Hop, skip and jump, preab, coiscéim agus léim. To get him on the hop, teacht air ar a rás. c Av: In five hops, i gcúig bhabhta. 2 (Of ball) Léim f, preab f. 3 F: (Dance) Damhsa beag.
hop3 . 1 v.i. a Léimim, tugaim truslóg; imím ar leathchois, ar chosa bacóide. He hopped away, d'imigh ag bocléimneach. F: Hop off! tóg ort! b To hop over a wall, dul thar bhalla de léim. To hop out of bed, teacht de léim amach as an leaba. 2 v.i. (Of ball) Léimeann, preabann. 3 v.tr. a Léimim (claí, etc.). P: Hop it, bain as amach! b Bocálaim (liathróid).
Pop! hop! To go pop, pléasc a dhéanamh; cnagadh.
Hort: Hop sticks, tacaí mpl leannlusa.
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