But yesterday, inné féin.
The day before yesterday, arú inné.
Yesterday evening, tráthnóna aréir, tráthnóna inné.
This letter, I find, arrived yesterday, feicim gur inné a tháinig an litir seo.
He gave me the go-by yesterday, d'imigh sé tharam inné i leith agus nár aithin sé mé; thug sé an cor gearr dom inné.
I knew it yesterday, bhí a fhios agam inné.
Early last evening, tráthnóna inné.
As lately as yesterday, inné féin
As late as yesterday, no later than yesterday, an lá inné féin.
He was here only yesterday, bhí sé anseo inné féin; níl sé ach inné ó bhí sé anseo.
Other days, other ways, is mór idir inné agus inniu.
As recently as yesterday, níl sé ach inné féin.
Yesterday was a (regular) soaker, rinne sé an díle inné.
She had one of her turns yesterday, tháinig taom, tallann, uirthi arís inné.
Yesterday was the sixteenth, inné an séú lá déag.
Yesterday morning, maidin f inné.
The day before yesterday, arú inné.
Yesterday week, seachtain is an lá inné.