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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for instead »
instead. 1 Prep.phr.Instead of sth., in áit, in ionad, i leaba, ruda. To stand instead of sth., ionad ruda a dhéanamh. Instead of s.o., in áit, in ionad, duine. Instead of doing sth., in áit rud a dhéanamh. Instead of our having profited by it..., in áit sochar ar bith a bheith againn as ... 2 adv. Ina áit (sin). If he can't come take me instead, mura féidir leis teacht beir leat mise ina áit, ina ionad.
To answer for (=instead of) s.o., freagairt ar son duine.
Suppose you helped me instead of looking on, dá mb'áil leat cabhrú liom in áit a bheith ansin ag féachaint orm.
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