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Rowing is one thing, sailing is another, is mór idir iomramh agus seoltóireacht.
You must either do it or get out, iomair an bád nó fág ar fad í.
Let there be no half-measures, iomair an bád nó fág ar fad í.
To oar a boat, bád a iomramh.
To oar one's way along, iomramh leat.
To go for a pull on the water, dul amach ag iomramh.
To pull a boat, abs. to pull, bád a iomramh.
It was a long row, b'fhada an t-iomramh é.
To row round an island, iomramh thart ar oileán.
To row a race, bheith i rás iomartha, rámhaíochta.
To pull one's weight, (i) Row: do chion féin den iomramh a dhéanamh; (ii) F: do chion féin a dhéanamh.
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