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She, of all people . . ., ise, thar dhuine ar bith . . .
She's the boss, ise ceann an tí.
I saw him but not her, chonaic mé eisean ach ní fhaca mé ise.
Anybody but her! duine ar bith ach ise!
I saw her, chonaic mé ise.
F: It's her! ise atá ann.
The marriage was none of her making, níorbh ise shocraigh an cleamhnas.
She is the one who wrote the letter, ise (an té) a scríobh an litir.
She rules the roost, ise an máistir.
It is she, ise atá ann.
Anyone but she! duine ar bith ach ise!
It is she who says it, ise a deir é.
She said it, ise a dúirt é.
She was his second wife, ise an dara bean a bhí aige.
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