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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for love »
love1, s. 1 Grá m. a Cion m(g. ceana), gean m -a, páirt f. Love of, for, towards, s.o., grá do dhuine, cion ar dhuine. F: There is no love lost between them, níl siad an-gheal chéile. For the love of God, ar ghrá . Love is blind, folaíonn grá gráin. He learnt Irish for the love of it, d'fhoghlaim an Ghaeilge le dúil inti. To play for love, imirt ar son an chluiche. To work for love, oibriú le dúil san obair féin. Give my love to your family, beir mo dhea-mhéin chun do mhuintire. F: It cannot be had for love or money, níl le fáil ar ór ar airgead, ar mhámh ar dhrámh. b (Between lovers) Grá m, searc f, cumann m. First love, céadsearc. To be in love with s.o., bheith i ngrá le duine. Head over ears in love with s.o., splanctha i ndiaidh duine. To fall in love with s.o., titim i ngrá le duine. To make love to s.o., suirí a dhéanamh le duine. Love in a cottage, pósadh ar bheagán fáltais. To marry for love, pósadh le teann grá. 2 (Pers.) My love, (i) mo ghrá m, mo rún m, mo shearc f; (ii) a ghrá, a rún, a stór, a mhuirnín. An old love of mine, seanleannán m liom. 3 a Pr.n. Dia m an ghrá, Cúipid m. b What a love of a child! nach é an ghleoiteoigín linbh é! What a love of a hat! nach gleoite an hata é! nach mór an spórt é (an hata)! 4 (At tennis, etc.) Dada m. Love all, dada araon. Love game, cluiche glaice.
love2, v.tr. 1 a Gráim; tugaim cion do, cion agam ar, ceanúil ar. Love me love my dog, más ionúin an chráin is ionúin an t-ál. b grá agam do; táim i ngrá le. 2 Is breá liom, an-luí agam le (dúiche, baile, etc.). As you love your life . . ., más milis leat do bheo . . . I love horse-racing, táim an-tugtha do rásaí capall, an-tóir agam ar rásaí capall. I love music, dúil mhór agam i gceol. I love to do it, I love doing it, fearr liom aon bheith á dhéanamh. Will you come with me? I should love to, an dtiocfá liom? thiocfainn agus fáilte, ba bhreá liom é.
We all love him, grá againn uile air.
(Reciprocal pron.)Love one another, bíodh grá agaibh chéile.
The love she bore him, an grá bhí aici .
Love is blind, folaíonn grá gráin.
Attrib. Calf love, grá m leanbaí.
F: Cupboard love, grá na hailpe.
Daughterly love, grá iníne.
Dearly loved, dilghrách, ionúin.
Demonstrations of love, comharthaí m grá.
He was desperately in love with her, bhí splanctha ina diaidh.
He loved her distractedly, bhí splanctha ina diaidh.
He loved her to distraction, bhí sa chéill ab aigeantaí aici.
Give him my love, beir mo bheannacht chuige.
They love to do the grand, is é an toirtéis is mian leo.
He is head over heels in love with her, splanctha ina diaidh.
You know how I love you, is eol duit méid mo ghrá duit.
Labour of love, (i) saothar gan chúiteamh; (ii) saothar a bhfaightear taitneamh ann.
If I had loved him less, mura mbeadh méid mo cheana air.
Let their love be ever so strong . . ., mhéad a ngrá chéile . . ..
He loved me like a son, bhí cion mic aige orm.
Money-loving, dúilmhear in airgead.
He loved her madly, bhí gan splanc ina diaidh.
Married love, grá pósta.
For the love of Mike... in ainm Chroim...
Mutual love, frithshearc f.
They love each other none too well, níl siad rógheal chéile.
The love of a mother, grá máthar.
The one he loved most of all, an duine ab ansa leis den iomlán acu.
He is passionately in love with her, splanctha ina diaidh.
A pleasure-loving person, scódaí m.
I would rather be loved than feared, b'fhearr liom go dtabharfaí grá dhom go mbeadh scanradh romham.
To requite s.o.'s love, grá a thabhairt ar ghrá (duine).
To return s.o.'s love, cothrom a ghrá a thabhairt do dhuine.
Love of romance, dúil sa rómánsaíocht.
His love was a mere sham, raibh ina ghrá ach feall ar iontaoibh.
Love-smitten, i ngalar an ghrá.
I loved him so (much), bhí an oiread sin grá agam .
Loving her so, he could not blame her, agus an grá a bhí aige di, thiocfadh leis milleán a chur uirthi.
Steadfast in love, dílis i ngrá.
In spite of all his faults I love him still, d'ainneoin a lochtanna grá agam i gcónaí.
Love token, comhartha m, geall m, grá.
True-love knot, snaidhm f seirce.
His love was turned to hate, rinne fuath den ghrá aige.
Unrequited love, grá leatromach.
He was violently in love with her, bhí sa chéill ab aigeantaí aici.
Whom the gods love die young, an a bhfuil grá ag na déithe , cailltear go hóg é.
To win s.o.'s love, cluain a chur ar dhuine.
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