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of, prep. 1 a (Separation) South of, taobh theas de, ó dheas de. Within a mile of, i bhfoisceacht míle de. Free of, saor ó, ar. b (i) (Origin) Of noble birth, de shliocht uasal. Works of Keating, scríbhinní Chéitinn. To buy sth. of s.o., rud a cheannach ó dhuine. 'Of all booksellers', 'ag gach díoltóir leabhar'. (For 'beg of,' 'inquire of', etc., see the verbs). (ii) (Cause) Of necessity, d'éigean. Of his own accord, as a stuaim féin. It came about of itself, tharla uaidh féin. To die of hunger, bás a fháil den ocras. He died of the fever, fuair bás leis an bhfiabhras. (For 'to smell of', 'to taste of', etc., see the verbs). 2 (Agency) a Forsaken of God and man, tréigthe ag Dia is ag duine. He was beloved of all, bhí cion ag an saol air. b It was kind of you, ba lách uait é. It was mean of him, ba suarach an mhaise é. 3 (Material) a Made of wood, déanta de, as, adhmad. Wall of stone, balla m cloiche. b Full of water, lán d'uisce, lán uisce. 4 a (Introducing ind. obj. of verb). To think of s.o., smaoineamh ar dhuine. Judge of my surprise, raibh m'iontas ar aon duine riamh. b (After adjs.) Guilty of, ciontach i. Fond of, ceanúil ar. Capable of, in ann chuig, ábalta ar. Free of, saor ó, ar. Contemptuous of, drochmheasúil ar. Aware of, feasach ar. c Doctor of medicine, dochtúir leighis, le leigheas. d Well, what of it? agus céard faoi? 5 (Descriptive genitive) a (i) A man by the name of Peter, fear darb ainm Peadar. A man of your name, fear de d'ainm, fear ar d'ainm. The city of Rome, cathair na Róimhe. Trees of my own planting, crainn a chuireas féin. People of foreign appearance, daoine a bhfuil dreach coimhthíoch orthu. Child of ten, páiste deich mbliana. (ii) He was swift of foot, bhí éadrom ar a chois, coséadrom. Hard of heart, cruachroíoch. b A palace of a house, caisleán de theach. That fool of a son of his, an t-amadán mic sin aige. c I was all of a tremble, bhíos ar aon bharr amháin creatha. All of a sudden, go tobann. 6 a (Subjective genitive) The love of a mother, grá máthar. b (Objective genitive) The fear of God, eagla . For fear of. . ., le heagla roimh . . . An account of . . ., cuntas ar . . . Understanding of . . ., tuiscint i ... Hope of relief, súil le furtacht. 7 a (Partitive) Part of the work, cuid den obair. The whole of the work, iomlán na hoibre. How much of it do you want? mhéad de a theastaíonn uait? Two of them died, fuair beirt acu bás. There were five of us, bhíomar cúigear ann. Of the hundred only one was bad, raibh ach aon drochcheann amháin sa, ar an, gcéad. One of the best, scoth na bhfear. b (After superlative) The best of men, rogha na bhfear. The one he loved most of all, an duine ab ansa leis den iomlán acu. First of all, an chéad rud, ar an gcéad rud. c (Out of) You, of all men! tusa, thar dhuine ar bith! The one thing of all others that I want, an t-aon rud ar domhan ba mhaith liom agam. This day of all days, an seo thar laethanta an domhain. d (Intensive) A fool of fools, amadán déanta. A scholar of scholars, scoláire as measc scoláirí; scoláire thar scoláirí. 8 (Possession or dependence) (Usu.gen. in Ir.) a The son of a king, mac . Leg of a table, cos boird. Topic of conversation, ábhar m comhrá. The first of the month, an chéad den mhí. The first of March, an chéad de Mhárta. b He is a friend of my father's, cara le m'athair é; cara de chuid m'athar é. He is a relation of mine, gaol dom, duine de mo ghaolta, é; gaolmhar liom. It is no business of yours, bhaineann dhuit. I was reading something of Keating's, bhí ag léamh rud éigin a chum Céitinn. That hat of his, an hata sin aige. 9 (In temporal phrases) Of a child, he was sickly, bhí lagbhríoch agus é ina pháiste. What do you do of a Sunday? céard a bhíonn a dhéanamh Domhnaigh? He looks in of an evening, buaileann isteach chugainn corrthráthnóna.
They are of a size, siad ar aon mhéid.
Abeam of us, trasna díreach uainn.
He did it to the best of his ability, rinne é chomh maith is bhí ar a chumas.
Able piece of work, obair éifeachtach; obair intleachtach.
Jur: Place of abode, áit chónaithe.
Of, with, no fixed abode, gan aon áit sheasta chónaithe.
There was a look of kindness about his face, bhí dreach cineálta air.
There are about twenty of them, timpeall is scór acu ann.
To come abreast of a car, teacht aníos cothrom le carr.
To be abreast with, of, the times, coinneáil suas le cúrsaí nua-aimseartha.
In the absence of definite information, in éagmais eolais chruinn; de cheal eolais.
Absence of mind, dearmad m, seachrán m intinne.
Jur: Abstract of title, achomaireacht teidil.
Abstraction of mind, seachrán m intinne.
Abundance of money, tréan m, neart m, airgid.
Abundance of heart, croí na féile.
Abuse of trust, caimiléireacht f ar iontaoibh.
Abuse of a word, mí-úsáid f focail.
To accept of a gift, deonú bronntanas a ghlacadh.
Acceptance of proposal, glacadh m le moladh.
To beg a person's acceptance of sth., iarraidh ar dhuine glacadh le rud,
He secured their acceptance of the proposal, thug orthu glacadh leis an moladh.
Com: Acceptance of bill, gealladh m bille,
Acceptance of persons, fabhar m.
Without acceptance of persons, gan fabhar do dhuine ach oiread le chéile.
It is difficult of access, is deacair a ghabháil chomh fada leis.
He is difficult of access, is deacair a ghabháil chun cainte leis.
Access to the door is by a flight of steps, suas staighre a théitear go dtí an doras.
Access of fever, taom m fiabhrais.
Access of rage, racht m feirge.
Access of joy, tallann f lúcháire.
The accessibility of the house, a éasca atá an teach a bhaint amach.
Accession of light, of air, ligean m isteach solais, aeir.
Accession of funds from abroad, airgead a theacht ón gcoigrích.
Accessories of bicycle, oiriúintí fpl rothair.
Difficult of accomplishment, deacair a dhéanamh, a chur i gcrích.
Out of accord with it, aimhréir.
He did it of his own accord, rinne é thoil féin, ar a chonlán féin, uaidh féin.
On, for, account of s.o., thar cheann duine; ar son duine.
Account of expenses, bille an chostais.
To give account of sth., údar m, fáth m, a chur le rud.
F: He gave quite a good account of himself, rinne gnóthaí maithe; chruthaigh go maith.
Person of high account, duine mórluachach.
He is of little account, is beag le é.
He is of no account, is cuma ann as é.
To make little account of sth., a bheag a dhéanamh de rud.
To take sth. into account, to take account of sth., rud a chur san áireamh.
To leave sth. out of account, to take no account of sth., rud a fhágáil as an áireamh.
On account of it, thairbhe, mar gheall air, as a shiocair.
On account of the war, as siocair, de bharr, an chogaidh.
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