Damped waves, tonnta maolaithe.
Decrease in speed, maolú luais, moilliú m.
Derogation of a law, maolú m dlí.
The fire was dim, bhí an tine maolaithe.
The pain has eased, tá an phian maolaithe.
To extenuate an offence, laghdú, maolú, ar choir.
Jaded palate, blas maolaithe.
To lighten a sorrow, maolú ar bhrón.
Light turned low, solas maolaithe.
Jur: Mitigation of damages, maolú damáistí.
Muffled drums, drumaí maolaithe.
Damped oscillation, ascaluithe maolaithe.
To relieve congestion, (i) maolú ar an mbrú tráchta; (ii) Med: faoiseamh a thabhairt do (scamhóga).
To slacken speed, maolú ar luas.
With unabated speed, gan maolú luais.